The legendary Astrologer B.V.RAMAN Horoscope Chart

Let us today talk about the person who brought name and fame to Indian astrology in 19th century. He was none other than late Prof. B.V.Raman from Bangalore. He was born on 8th August 1912 in Karnataka.

हिंदू Panchang 2019 पढ़ें और जानें वर्ष भर के शुभ दिन, शुभ मुहूर्त, विवाह मुहूर्त, ग्रह प्रवेश मुहूर्त और भी बहुत कुछ।

His grandfather Late B.Suryanarayan Rao was a famous astrologer of his times and many top British officials and Kings used to consult him. He was the teacher of B.V.Raman and in his guidance B.V.Raman ji used to remember the shlokas mentioned in the ancient classics since his childhood.  As an astrologer I always recommend his book “My experiences with astrology” to one and all because it clearly portrays how was India at that time and what it has become today. A real mess and nothing else. One can see the beauty of his horoscope, the Gajkesari yoga forming on 4-10 axis is a feature of this horoscope. The ascendant is aspected by not only the lord of ascendant Saturn but also by Venus – the lord of the 9th bhava and Mercury – the lord of 5th bhava. Though the exalted moon is blemished to some extent due to Saturn causing punarphoo, the ill effects are negated by the power aspect of Jupiter which is the 11th house lord and 2nd house lord.

Daily Horoscope

Interesting thing is that his grandfather B.Suryanarayan Rao has so much faith in this Jupiter that he didn’t even bothered about anything else and predicted that one day he will rise tall and make a name for himself and we now know him as the person who brought Indian Astrology to the level and respect it deserves. So many astrologers sprouting up like weed here and there now- a- days on social media and elsewhere are not a good sign really for the benefit of astrology but it will further diminish the value of astrology it deserves in reality.

Weekly Horoscope

My tributes to the great Soul.

By Acharya Raman

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