Leonardo Di Caprio horoscope Astro analysis

Oscar Winner Leonardo Di Caprio

Leonardo di Caprio was born on 11th November 1974 in Los Angeles. Leonardo Di Caprio has won his first Oscar in 2016. He had given many great performances but he was out of luck every time. Let us see what changed the scenario for him in this year. Below is his horoscope.

Leonardo Di Caprio is a Virgo native and the moon falls in virgo thus he is Virgo lagna and rashi native. At the time of his birth moon was in own star thus he got the dasa of moon in his childhood itself. Leonardo DiCaprio Jupiter mahadasha started from 17th august 2000 and now he is at the fag end of his Jupiter dasa. He started his career in Rahu mahadasha and did many good films, out of which Titanic was the one which made him international face.

Janam Kundali


Jupiter is placed in the sixth house in the sign of knowledge and vibrance – Aquarius. It is aspecting 10th, 12th, and 2nd bhava. Jupiter is in rahu star and Ketu sub. Rahu in the chart is a significator of multiple houses like 8, 3, 10, 1 and it is strongly signifying the 3rd house by virtue of being in own sub-sub. 3rd house is the one of the houses of acting thus rahu gave him career beginning and Jupiter took it further by being in the rahu star.

Leonardo Di Caprio will get the dasa of Saturn from this year onwards. Saturn is not only in 10th house but posited in Jupiter star and mercury sub thus it is completing the required circle of 1, 6 , 10 for a boost in the career. We are going to see many great performances and many roles Leonardo DiCaprio will do which will reflect the plight of common man, the political controversies, The villain and the forgeries done by famous cheats.

Horoscope 2025


By Acharya Raman

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