Mars will enter into Sagittarius on 18th September and will remain there till 1st November. It will move ahead into Capricorn on 1st November. It will be entering into Sagittarius after a very long time and making us witness of many sad incidents in its journey with Saturn, crashes, Deaths, Terrorism and what not. And it is entering into a fiery sign and in star of ketu to begin with, so its initial effect will be bad as they are not good doers to humanity in general.
Later in the stars of Venus and Sun it will behave good for some and bad for some. This is what one should expect the results to be:
1) ARIES: The lord of the ascendant will transit in 9th bhava the house of Luck which will make 1-9 connection in the transit. If you are passing through the antara or pratyantara of Mars then this will be a good time as log as Mars is in ketu star because Mars will signify the 11th house. 1-9-11 connection will enable you to achieve things in a batter way and also luck will be favoring you.
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In the star of sun the love affairs will see a downfall or your connection with your beloved will get a whiplash of sorts. But when Sun will enter into your 7th house then things will change for some time. You should expect some long distance travels, abroad not ruled out, new friends, journey to some religious place. A quarrel with your father is also likely. It will be best when Mars will be in Venus star and Venus will be in your 7th house.
Read Aries Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
2) TAURUS: Lord of 12th and 7th will transit in 8th bhava. It will be in star of Ketu, Venus and Sun. Venus rules the 8th house. Mostly this will be a not so exciting experience for you. You will face problems in married life. You will have some goodness in your profession but later on it will be disappointing too. You may repay your loans in some parts but there will be people still wanting their money. You will see delays in your efforts.
Read Taurus Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
3) GEMINI: Lord of 11th and 6th bhava will be in your 7th house which is good for personal life or love matters. For job searchers it is not a good time. It will be signifying 9th house, 5th house and 4th house along with 7th. You will have success in your love matters; you will have gains from your spouse. Some of you may sell their assets. Those into land broking will have better gains. You will get some profits from share markets but not in huge quantities. You will have some problems in your love life after sun will enter in your 5th bhava.
Read Gemini Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
4) CANCER: Work related issues will be looking good but love matters will take a beating. You will get a good job if you are looking for it, this will make you neglect your family which will create load on your mind. Avoid the period till Mars is in star of Ketu. Later on the time will be good for you. A promotion is also a possibility but not very strong. Control your anger in this period as mars is throwing its 8th aspect on your ascendant. You will have minor headaches and pain in the shoulders.
Read Cancer Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
5) LEO: As long as Mars is in star of Ketu there will be good connectivity of 1-5-9 bhavas. Thus in this time you will get good connections with your near and dear ones, your kids will be source of happiness, your religious life will be good and more focused. But some of you may have quarrels with your beloved and the relation may end. The third house will be coming into play which is a progressive house thus you will have good results mostly from this transit.
Read Leo Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
6) VIRGO: The planet which rules the 3rd and 8th house is naturally a malefic for the ascendant sign lord because of the ruler ship. There could be some minor accident and possible injury in your hips or thighs. You will bear losses and deceit from your known people. Health may get into sudden turmoil’s. You need to take care of it. Your tolerance levels will become low and you will get irritated sooner. Your social life may also suffer. There will be increased expenses in the last phase. You may spend money on some government projects or people to bribe them etc.
Read Virgo Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
7) LIBRA: Ketu will be in the 5th house and this will be doing many damages depending upon the natal chart of yours. Mars will enter into Ketu star only but this will not be so harming for you. Instead it will promote goodness in your love matters, you may get a home on rent if you are looking for one and such things. It is not directly connected to wealth but you may get some indirect incomes or commissions. It will change to Venus star and then to Sun star, The period when it will be in the star of Sun will be most important because Sun is the 11th house lord and it will be transiting in your 12th house but will change to 1st house later. Do not worry about its debilitation; schedule your important tasks for this time.
Read Liba Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
8) SCORPIO: The lord of ascendant in second bhava is a good sign; though it is going to be for short span still it is good. You will have some quarrels with family members and spouse. Do not panic because it will not last long. But financially there can be distress as all the three stars are not looking to promote wealth this time. So keep hold of your money and expenses. Do not buy things just to show off and save money. Job scenario will be bad when sun will enter Libra.
Read Scorpio Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
9) SAGITTARIUS: Mars will be increasing your worries, temper and temperature. There is possibility of getting fever; you may quarrel with your spouse or girl/boy friend. Property related matters will not be fruitful. Do not sell. You will show extra courage and determination and later things will become good also when the journey in Venus star will come and then in Sun star also there will be goodness.
Read Sagittarius Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
10) CAPRICORN: There will be some unexpected losses, your friends may not keep up with you, and your girl/boy friend might leave you. Now Days things are so simple and modernistic. Financial losses are very likely so be careful with your decisions. Later in Venus star things will become very good and keep improving. But in the Star of Sun you will again feel that things are not going smooth and there will be problems with government people.
Read Capricorn Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
11) AQUARIUS: Venus entering in own house and Mars going to 11th is good. Ketu is in ascendant giving disturbances of many kinds, Mars will be in the star of Ketu for some time and in this period you may have some mental tensions which may be non-existing. When it will enter in Venus star then things will be good for you, by the time it will enter Sun star, Sun will be in your 9th house so this also will be a good phase for you. So, overall a good transit for you.
Read Aquarius Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
12) PISCES: Mars will aspect your ascendant, in ketu star it will be behaving badly because ketu is in 12th house and the same will be applicable with entry into Venus and Sun stars because 8th house will be connected. If you are passing the DBA of Mars then be careful as you may face sudden issues. Although the lord of 9th house and 2nd house in 10th is a good thing to have and some goodness will prevail for sure.
Read Pisces Daily Horoscope to plan your day accordingly.
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