Mars transit will take place in Sagittarius on 18th of September, 2016. The transit will have different effects on each zodiac. Let’s have a look on them –
Aries –
In the transit of Mars in Sagittarius, The time is good for love relations. You will progress in career. You will be interested in talking with others. Activities related to art, music and entertainment will attract you and you may meet a personality in relation with the same.
Taurus –
You will not be able to complete your work. During the Mars Transit in Sagittarius, You need to bring sweetness in your words. You may have to face some problems. You need to take care of your food habits and diet. Control your expenses.
Gemini –
You will experience pleasures in married life. Understanding and balance will get strong among couples. Life partner will help you completing pending works. Business partners will be profited.
Cancer –
The effects of Mars transit in Sagittarius is not beneficial for Cancer. You will have the support of your life partner but will face health related issues. You may commit a big mistake and regret later.
Leo –
Mars transit in Sagittarius 2016 will be beneficial for your love relations. You may get attracted to someone from another cast. You may talk with your old friends. The time is good for businessmen.
Virgo –
You will see progress at workplace. You will witness strength in family relations. You will get the support from co-workers. You will be protective towards yourself. Your enemies can make a plan against you so be careful.
Libra –
Mars transit in Sagittarius 2016 will be good for you. Single people may fall in love. Married couples will have a great time together. You will be able to improve your financial condition. People will admire you.
Scorpio –
The transit will gave the positive effects on this sign. You may spend money in order to get physical pleasures. You will not be able to concentrate on your work. You may buy electronic gadgets.
Sagittarius –
You will be stressed due to your mental development. You will attract others due to your charm. You may spend money on your looks and materialistic things. You will be content and happy.
Capricorn –
You will spend money on luxurious things. You may buy gold. You will crave for sweets. You will get an opportunity to spend quality with life partner. Married life will be normal.
Aquarius –
People will admire you. Those who are trying hard for something may get successful this time. Love and marriage life will be normal. You will get support from your siblings and friends.
Pisces –
There are chances of increase in wealth. You will progress in career. You need to control your money expenditures. You may face some problems in married life. You will make new friends.
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