Mayawati Birth Horoscope Analysis – Know what her stars say

Dalit icon Mayawati was born on  15 Jan 1956, daulatpur at 19:50 Hrs. The birth details of Mayawati are procured from internet sources and are of course unverified. Below is her horoscope:

Mayawati is having cancer as her ascendant and her moon is in Capricorn ruled by Saturn creating punarphoo in her horoscope. She has enjoyed the CM chair of Uttar Pradesh 4 times in her career. She was CM from 3 June 1995 to 18 October 1995. 3 June 1995 to 18 October 1995, 21 March 1997 to 20 September 1997,  3 May 2002 to 26 August 2003, 13 May 2007 to 2012.

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Saturn was the planet in this entire CM ship of her`s and it was only in 2007-2012 she enjoyed full term otherwise it was into bits and pieces only. It is the punarphoo in her chart which has made this kind of thing happen for her because this condition when happening in a horoscope destroys one aspect very badly of an individual.

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It was in Saturn-Moon Mayawati enjoyed full term because moon is placed in Mars star which rules the 10th house and mars in her chart is in own sign though it is conjoined by Rahu and Saturn.

Venus, the lord of 11th bhava is placed in 8th house and is aspected by Jupiter The lord of the 9th house. The mutual aspect is happening between the 11th and 9th lords due to which she rose to power in the party very soon.

Daily Horoscope

Saturn is in own star in her chart and in Sub of mercury which is in the 6th bhava making Saturn connect with 6th house at sub level. She is now running Mercury Venus period and in her chart Venus in cuspal chart is placed  in 7th bhava.

Mayawati is in Mars star and own sub thus having connection with 10th and 11th house and the mahadasha lord Mercury is placed in 6th house in star of moon and in own sub. Mercury owns 13 and 3 houses but is good for 6th house strongly.

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This indicates a good number of seats for her in the elections and that too without alliance. No one is ready to do alliance with her as of now but we never know about the filthy politics of this nation. Anything can be done to gain power.

Monthly Horoscope

This year Venus is going to be in her 9th house in transit and this may tilt the picture in her favor. Best wishes to mayawati and her party

By Acharya Raman

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