Milla Jovovich Horoscope: Predictions for 2017 and beyond

Milla Jovovich, The resident evil heroine was born in kiev, Ukraine on 17th December 1975 at 17:15 pm. Below is her horoscope. Her total net worth is 36 million dollars.

Milla Jovovich is presently running mahadasha of Jupiter till 13-12-2019 and then her Saturn dasa will begin. She is a Gemini ascendant and Saturn is a good friend of the ascendant lord Mercury. She has Venus in own sign, exalted Moon and Jupiter in own sign. She is having laxmi yoga in her 12th bhava which is not considered very powerful in that house. Moon and Mars mutual conjunction or aspect creates Laxmi yoga.

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In 1988 Milla Jovovich made her debut in movies. She is a very well known model too and has been the face of many big brands globally. She has been married thrice and the third marriage is still continuing.  She has suffered a lot in her childhood and that has left a strong impression on her mindset with which she is still fighting.

Milla Jovovich is mostly known for her movie and its sequels The Resident Evil which is a very popular Video game. This is a horror, action, drama movie sequel which has made her very famous worldwide. She has also starred in many other movies and given many good performances. The Venus placed in her 5th house makes her born actor and singer. Milla Jovovich is a songwriter too and has released few albums also in her career as actor, singer, fashion model and brand face.

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Milla Jovovich will have Jupiter Rahu from July 2017 and this will be a very good phase for her commercially. She is a strict yoga practitioner and follows a vegetarian diet low on fat and avoids junk food completely. She is a philanthropist too and has done many charities for the poor and the deprived. She comes from a very poor financial background and may be this is why she wants to help the poor and the needy. Her latest sequel of the series is also released and is doing well worldwide. It has already earned  $118,132,239  globally and still is doing good.

Check Hindu Panchang 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.

Saturn is connected with her 5th cusp at sub level and is placed in own star in her birth chart. Milla Jovovich is going to reach new heights in her career when the period of Saturn will operate but in bits and pieces only. She will become more inclined towards social causes and charities in her Saturn mahadasha.

By Acharya Raman

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