Shri Narendra Modi The Prime Minister Of India
Shri Narendra Modi was born on 17th September 1950. He will be 66 this year. Below is the horoscope of Shri Narendra Modi.
Moon Mahadasha
Since 29-12-2012 Narendra Modi is passing through Moon Mahadasha. Moon is creating multiple raja yogas by being lord of 10th in dhan bhava and conjoined with dhanesh which is Mars. This is also called Laxmi yoga. The very good thing of this horoscope is that “Rahu” “Ketu” have taken 6-12 axis which in my opinion is the least damaging of all and ketu in that house gives moksha or sanyaas. Even Narendra Modi has told many times that he wished to be a sanyasi before coming into politics.
Another great combination in Narendra Modi horoscope is the placement of Lagnesh or ascendant lord in eleventh house. Venus is in 11th house in rashi chart and it is conjoined with Saturn which is a yogakarka planet for Libra by being a Kendra- trikonadhipati. The lord of 9th house is exalted but in 12th bhava and since it is also his own sign there are no ill effects due to it.
If we see the career span of Narendra Modi , he was chief minister of Gujrat for almost 13 years. And now Narendra Modi is the prime minister of India. He was chief minister of Gujrat from 2001 to 2014. This was the period of venus mahadasha . Venus is placed in 10th bhava in cuspal chart and is in own star. It is in sub of sun which is in 11th bhava.
Chances of becoming the Prime Minster
The 10th cusp Sublord is Jupiter which is in “Rahu” star sub and sub-sub. Rahu is significator of houses 3, 5, 6, 9, 11 houses out of which it is strong significator of 11th bhava. No wonder Venus dasha gave him the chief ministerial candidature. After Venus, “Sun” Dasha started which is very very strong significator of 11th cusp. We saw him rise to national level in the sun dasa itself and by the time sun dasa was ending, he became the prime ministerial choice of BJP. I had predicted in 2013 itself using “Horary Astrology” that he has very strong chances of becoming the Prime Minster.
Presently Modi ji is passing through Moon dasa and Jupiter antara till 4-2-2017. His tenure as prime minister will be till 2019. Like Sun, Moon is also very good significator of 11th house and also for 1, 10, 4, 5. Thus we should be rest assured no matter what happens, his tenure as primi minister of India will continue till 2024. He will have mercury pratyantara in 2019 which again is signifying 11th house. So victory will be his only.
Jawahar Lal Nehru University
Since the day Narendra Modi has become Prime minister, opposition has left no stone unturned to do some or other mischief to halt the progress of the nation. Presently, The JNU – Jawahar Lal Nehru University is going on top to dismantle the peace of the nation. I personally feel that traitors should be sent to another world as soon as possible but the law will take its own way and I believe in the laws of my country. This matter too will be solved soon, the opposition will try to halt the proceedings in “Lok Sabha” on useless matters but India will move ahead under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji.
United Nations Security Council
After May when Jupiter gets direct and till august 2016 till Jupiter stays in Leo, in his 11th house- we will see many good changes and things will get better financially for India as a whole. India has very high chances to win the permanent seat in United Nations Security Council and no wonder we see it happening in 2016-17.Next year Saturn will change to his third house and Modi
Next year Saturn will change to his third house and Modi ji will get antara of Saturn from February onwards.
Predictions for Modi ji
- He will become the Prime Minister second time in a row.
- India will get permanent membership of UN Security council under his leadership.
- India will emerge out as a strong nation with high values.
- He will change the look and feel of this country to a great extent towards positivity and beauty.
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