Random seed number 72 (at 13:07 hrs 16:14 N 80:25 E) in favor of England:
Here the sub lord of 6th house is Mercury. He is in Sun star and Saturn sub. Sun is in 2nd house whereas Saturn is in 5th house in own star. Therefore Mercury is strong for 5th house at sub level! This point is favourable for Pakis.
Here I want to apply my recent observation. “If the stars of a planet (say X) are unoccupied then planet (say Y) posited in the sub division of “X” is very strong” says Guruji in 4th reader. My observation is that any planet (say Z) is in the sub division of ”Y” then it will give the result of “X”.
In this illustration, Jupiter stars are unoccupied, only Saturn is in the sub of Jupiter. Therefore planets posited in the subs of Saturn may give the results of Jupiter. Here mercury is in the sub of Saturn and hence may offer the results of 2-6 houses. Therefore Mercury is giving 2-6 houses at sub level. This point may turn the game in favour of England! Am not sure but have to see.
England may win this game!
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