Pisces Horoscope 2017 – The year will begin with Saturn in Scorpio till 26th January and on 26th it will enter into Sagittarius. It will get retrograde on 6th April and till 25th August it will be so. It will get direct on 25th August. It will enter Scorpio on 21st June and on 26th October it will move back into Sagittarius.
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Jupiter will be in Virgo till 12th September 2017. It will get retrograde on 6th February and will become direct on 9th June. Rahu will be transiting Leo till 18th August 2017 and on 18th it will enter Cancer. Ketu will be in Aquarius till 18th August and on 18th it will enter Capricorn. Venus will enter into Pisces on 27th January and it will remain therefore a long time till 31st may when it goes into Aries. After that it has a smooth motion forward. It will retrograde on 4th March till 15th April and will get combust from 30th April to 13th July.
I will be telling you the major things you can expect this year and problems you may face along with the remedies which will make your life easier. Kindly note that changes of major planets have deeper effect on native than other planets thus they are considered firstly to judge the impact on your life broadly. For precise study on your natal horoscope please buy our annual horoscope service.
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- Family Life: Pisces Horoscope 2017 For a long time, exalted Venus will be placed in your ascendant. This will be good for your interpersonal relations in the family and with near and dear ones. Jupiter will be aspecting your ascendant which is its own sign. This will be another good thing till September 12th. You will have cordial relations with your spouse. There will less of irritating things in your life if you are going through the period of Jupiter. Those with Saturn DBA will also see a easy year going round but those with Rahu-Ketu DBA will face mental tensions in their family life. Although there will be aspect of Jupiter but still problems will persist.
- Health: People with ketu DBA will face problems related to insomnia, horrific dreams, myriad thoughts etc but otherwise there is not much to worry. Keep your emotional IQ intact and things will be good for you.
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- Finance: Pisces Horoscope 2017 Finance will be good this year. I will not say for all but those with Mars, Venus, Moon, Sun, and Jupiter DBA will have good finances. People with other planets as their DBA lords should be careful in investing much in one place. You should always try to get income from multiple sources and not be stuck into one.
- Career: 2017 horoscope prediction for Pisces, Career wise the year will be good for natives with Saturn DBA. There will be growth and progress. Saturn owns the 12th house lordship too but as per Parashari dictum the 12th house owner gives the result of the other house owned by them. Here it is the 11th Those with Jupiter DBA too will have good time till September. Natives except of Rahu or Ketu DBA will more or less have good time. Those with Ketu DBA should face career progression issues and loss of job, change of location, demotion in responsibilities is the likely factors.
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- Business: Business will be good and you will be having good earning this year. Those with Ketu period should not take risks at all but others can try their luck. People with Saturn DBA also should not try much as Saturn will be in ketu star most of the time in this year which is transiting in your 12th.
- Romance: Romance will be good, you will have new relations and there will be happiness in love. You will move ahead in your level of interactions with your partner. There will problems to people with ketu and Saturn DBA but with Jupiter things will be very fine.
You are reading Pisces Horoscope 2017/ Pisces Rashifal 2017/ Pisces Astrology 2017
- Sex life: According to the Pisces horoscope 2017, Sex life will be normal, you should focus much on work and getting peace of mind. Sex life will see some strange phenomenon after 12th September for people with DBA of Jupiter and you may try some new things to fulfill your physical urge.
- Days of Caution: For Avoid days when moon transits over Rahu ketu or Saturn and when moon is in 6, 8th or 12th house with respect to your ascendant.
- Remedial Astrology: Recite Vishnu sahastrnaam, Hanuman chalisa etc for overall betterment.
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