The famous celebrity of the bollywood industry, Hritik Roshan is all set for his upcoming film Mohenja daro. He was surrounded with controversies past few months, be it his personal life or his career. The upcoming movie will prove to be very close to his heart as he is appearing on screen after a very long time. Also, the movie will be special for his fans because of the long gap. The movie response is in debate in the industry. Let’s have a look on Hritik’s upcoming film Mohenja daro future aspects –
The popular celeb was born on 10th of January, 1974. Following are his birth details –
In his birth chart, Hritik was born with a strong Mars and Weak Jupiter. The period from 19th of October, 1998 is a period of Venus Dasha. Hritik faced his marriage failure and got divorced in 2014. According to the astrology, the time period was undergoing Venus- Mercury Dasha.
According to his birth chart, the lord of 7th house is Saturn which leads to various harmful and inauspicious effects on the native’s life. Saturn is two faced and positioned in Mars Nakshatra which is a separative planet. This became the reason behind his unsuccessful marriage.
After such a long gap, Hritik is back with his upcoming film, Mohenja daro. This year he is going through Mercury antardasha. The movie will be released on 12th of August, 2016 and the birth chart will undergo the time of Venus, Mercury and Rahu. Rahu and Mercury will bring positivity in Hritik’s life. According to his birth chart, Saturn is placed in 10th house which is why the movie is delayed. The movie directed by Aashutosh Govariker will be successful and will shine his career. The combination of this Director and celeb was last seen in Jodha Akhbar which was a super hit movie of the time accolade with various awards.
According to his birth chart, Hritik’s upcoming film Mohenja daro can go very successful.
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