Priyanka Gandhi Horoscope and Kundali, Priyanka Gandhi Astrology: The Next Indira In The Making?

Based on unconfirmed Birth details of Priyanka Gandhi I am writing this article. I tried all the available birth details but I think this should be the most correct one and not others just because the houses signified by the planets at her birth time and this chart fully shows love marriage. I duly apologize if any of the predictions go wrong but I am not sure of her exact birth details. She was born on 12-01-1972 at 17:05 New Delhi.

Daily Horoscope

One will notice that Priyanka Gandhi has many similarities with Indira Gandhi if we do face analysis. Here I also want to emphasize that nothing on this planet happens just like that but there is a reason behind it which most of us will never know. The questions is that why Priyanka Gandhi didn`t joined politics till now and only after congress losing very badly in the LS POLLS 2014 she showed some interest and even now when SP and Congress have a coalition she has decided to come for the rescue mission. It is openly said by all that this coalition is done only because Priyanka Gandhi intervened otherwise congress would have to fight a lone battle. This is the fact which prompted me to see her horoscope and her future potential.

Read Also : Mayawati Horoscope and Astrology Analysis

We are living in an age where every party wants to destroy and defeat the BJP and Narendra Modi, the elected prime minister of India. Congress has always been and is a party of flattery(chamchagiri); the more you do it the more you are promoted. This is not my opinion but things regarding have been coming in the media for long now. There are many stories in the media to support this. The politics of present India has become worst than ever before where every political party and politician is hell bent to make money, defeat Modi, divide the nation on all available basis. Let us now come back to the topic of Priyanka Gandhi.

Weekly Horoscope

Priyanka Gandhi  is now running the mahadasha of Venus till 26-01-2024.  The current antara is of Saturn till 26-01-2020. Saturn is going to transit in her 7th house and will transit over natal Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. It may bring some disturbances in her married life because of the lordship of the 8th bhava but her natal Saturn has lots of promises for her. Saturn is placed in star of Sun which is the ruler of third house. Saturn himself is in 11th bhava in the cusp chart. Seventh house denotes partnerships and this is what Priyanka Gandhi has done with Samajwadi Party. She may have health related issues in the time to come but her professional career will see an upsurge for sure. She will slowly but firmly move congress up and as far as I can see she will become the face of Congress.

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Indian public through the times have been mentally conditioned to see themselves on the basis of religion, case, sub caste etc so there are only Muslims when we talk about Muslims but Hindus are fully divided in this nation. This key factor will also help Priyanka Gandhi grow and her charisma will facilitate congress once again reign this nation.  Venus mahadasha will take her to new heights in her life and along with congress will also rise again. I will not be surprised at all if she occupies supreme power after 2023 elections.

Weekly Horoscope

I wish her best of luck for her future endeavors.

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By Acharya Raman

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