Famous astrologers of present times: Punit Pandey

 Not every person has the blessings to be versatile in many fields. Destiny has blessed this techno geek puneet pandey vedic astrologer to become a Vedic Astrologer. He has been doing astrology since long and as it is mentioned in his biography on his website Astrosage that he picked up few books on astrology at some point of time and his interest was awakened in the subject. punit pandey vedic astrologer being a Brahmin whose forefathers were all well versed with astrology, it was natural for him to get into the subject deeper. He has studied all branches of Indian astrology like parashara, jaimini, tajik, kp system, nadi etc.

Horoscope 2025


punit pandey vedic astrologer is writing since long on various matters of astrology and has given astounding predictions on many incidents like death of YSR, The ex chief minister of Andhra Pradesh etc. The list is endless. punit pandey vedic astrologer has gone through thousands of horoscopes in his vast span of predictions. One can find his writings on all branches of Indian astrology over the internet. Astrocamp is another website through which his team of astrologers is offering predictions to world population. punit pandey vedic astrologer has created wiki on astrology, he has created many groups in yahoo and other possible domains to encourage the learning and sharing of astrology.

Being a software wizard himself, punit pandey vedic astrologer established his own websites and made his own software which is heavily feature enriched and available to all for free of cost. He does not believes in making astrology a money spinner for him and wants to give benefits to one and all equally. His website is multilingual and almost all major languages of India are covered in it. We can soon expect foreign languages to be incorporated in his website.

Janam Kundali


Even after being a very successful entrepreneur in this field has not made him change his simplistic lifestyle and approach towards life and people.

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  1. Punit Pande ji,
    I am your fan & studying astrology.
    You did a great job in the interests of people and students of the subject.
    Astro sage helps me & many more to study astrology.
    Words are not enough to explain it.
    May you be blessed.


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