Some quick facts on Bells in Temples

Have you ever wondered why there are bells in each and every temple and mainly in the center. Let’s have a quick view of certain interesting facts of the bells –

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The structure of the bell is as holistic as our Gods. The body of the bell represents infinity that is Ananta. The tongue of the bell represents Goddess Saraswati and the handle represents Lord Hanuman and Nandi.

Ringing a bell in temples ward off evil spirits. They are not able to enter in the temple due to bells.

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The sound of the bell after ringing echoes for 7 seconds. This time period unite our left and right brain clearing all negative and bad thoughts. This motion create an awareness in our mind and body.

Ringing the bells with pure heart and clear mine wash your sins of the previous birth.

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When we ring bells, there occurs a vibration which kills all types of germs, bacteria and microbes present in the air. This makes the atmosphere and the temple pure and holy.

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The bells are ringed with a motive to awake the Gods. It is a kind of permission before we enter in to the temple just like we ring someone’s door bell before we enter in the house.

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