Rahul Gandhi Kundali, Rahul Gandhi Horoscope by Date of Birth

Rahul Gandhi,It is so ridiculous to expect an heir of trillions or more to be humiliated everywhere and gets liked by force and not by will. In kaliyuga, money is the main power and those who have it live a better life and enjoy the best things that life has to offer.

Infact, I cannot imagine a person who doesn’t wants to be born in a royal family like he did. But the question is, is he really enjoying his life to the fullest – as per the living standards in which he has been born.

Rahul Gandhi Kundali

I do not think so, I see people making fun of him, and sometimes he is by mistake uttering things which are against his own party and policies if he has any. And this is an open secret that congress party is a “chamcha culture” loving and encouraging party – but still there is no real happiness in his life.

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I have seen him on television only and I really feel that he sometimes say things which he is not willing to but because of peer pressure he says so and later gets ridiculed by one and all. With our free tool, you can check Janam Kundali for free.

Rahul Gandhi is not married, has no girlfriend or at least it is not in public domain. May be Rahul Gandhi has as he possess a smart personality and women want money basically now a days, we have so many examples like the leader of his own party Mr Digvijay Singh. Still nothing is there.

Rahul Gandhi keeps going here and there frequently and opposition criticizes him for that. What is the need for Rahul Gandhi to be in India in some crisis? This is my usual question to people who allege on him. After all, there are state and central governments to rule the state and country, why run after one person. I feel opposition does not find a suitable opponent to oppose so they try the easy ones. I cannot see another explanation for these acts.

Janm Kundali

Rahul Gandhi Horoscope by Date of Birth

Rahul Gandhi is born in royal family and he is son grandson and brother and brother in law and friend to his friends. This is his total identity, we have really not seen him achieving anything, at least since I am seeing politics, I have not seen him doing anything commendable for his own life or for this country. So today I thought I will see what is missing in his horoscope and how he can improve his life for his betterment atleast if not for the country.

Let us see the yogas in his horoscope:

  • Rahul Gandhi has venus, the lord of 11th bhava in lagna. This is a very good yoga and people with such yoga achieve great success and have many friends.
  • Anaphaa yoga is there which is another good yoga.
  • Ubhaychara yoga is there which is again very good yoga.
  • Vipreet raja yoga is also present which is good to crush opposition.

The benefics for cancer ascendant – sun and mars are in 12th bhava. Mercury the enemy of moon is in 11th bhava. Rahu – ketu axis is afflicting 2-8 axis which is the worst placement for these planets.

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Saturn is in 10th house but has not given him any political success though it is aspected by Jupiter but this Jupiter himself is retrograde. So destiny has brought him at the time when there were some good things and some bad things going on between the planets with respect to his birth ascendant.

The notable thing here is that Rahul Gandhi was born in a sandhi lagna. Moon is debilitated. Moon is aspected by mercury. Moon too is in rashi sandhi. We can see his irregular routine and indecisiveness and sometimes his not so good speeches are a result of this planetary misconfiguration. Venus too is debilitated in navansha.

Saturn, the lord of 7th is aspecting the 7th house along with Mars. This is one of the reasons for delay in his marriage. Saturn is in venus star and mercury sub thus it is not a strong significator for marriage as it is more connected with 9th and 12th bhava. The current dasha is of Mars which is placed in 11th house.

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Mars dasha started from march 2014 and we see that his aggressiveness has increased many fold since that period. Saturn antara will begin in august 2016 and will remain till September 2017. This is the period when he may marry as the connection of 7-11 will be very strong in this period. His golden period as per his horoscope was his sun dasa which went off between 1998 to 2004 but in this mars dasha too Rahul Gandhi has many good prospects.

Mars signifies houses 7,5,10,11 so there may be a love affair or love marriage coming in this mahadasha for him or we may come to know his beloved in public domain by his mouth or tweet etc. For professional life also this will be a good period for him and he will rise high in his party and will make some strong changes.

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The 10th cusp sublord is mercury which is in 10th house itself but mercury is in moon star and Jupiter sub. Mercury signifies houses 5,10,1,3,12 which is not a very good signification to reach to a high level by own efforts as 5th and 12th house will negate the effects of 10,1,3 houses.

Horoscope 2025

Rahul Gandhi Ji should definitely wear a ruby and opal stone which will boost energy and eloquence in him and he should recite “Bajrang Baan” daily thrice to wipe off his opponents which I am sure are increasing day by day due to his own innocent way of life.

He should keep a red handkerchief always with him and try to remain more in red colour environments like he can paint his house walls in red color etc. All this will certainly give him a boost in a slow but steady manner. I wish him good luck for his future endeavors.

By Acharya Raman

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