Sachin tendulkar was born on 24th April 1973 and was having kaal sarpa yoga or dosha in his horoscope. He was called the God of cricket not only in India but also in many countries he had immense fan following.
Kaal sarpa dosha is a very big money spinner in India and pundits of Ujjain, Trayambakeshwar and across globe take lacs of rupees from innocent people to mitigate the ill effects of this dosha. It is in his Rahu dasha only he completed his 100th 100.
Sachin Tendulkar Horoscope Analysis
Sachin Tendulkar was born in Venus star poorvashadha 4th quarter. He is a cancer ascendant native with moon in Sagittarius. He has Jupiter debilitated with Mars exalted in 7th house and this Mars is also aspecting exalted Sun in 10th house, though some planets are in different houses in cuspal chart. Mercury is debilitated in his chart making him a yogakaraka planet because for cancer ascendant Mercury is not a yogakaraka planet.
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Because Sachin Tendulkar was born in Venus star, he never got the dasa of Saturn in his life which is supposed to be bad for cancer ascendants but for Sachin, he got married on 24th May 1995 in Mars mahadasha and Saturn antara.
Sachin Tendulkar Astrology by Date of Birth
He does not have any publicly accept married life disturbances but I remember his last speech in which Sachin Tendulkar said that he used to be harsh sometimes with his wife. No one will try to have quarrels with God of any sport in the first place itself. His Saturn dasa will start from 3-6-2033 when Sachin Tendulkar will be 60 years old.
Since he has accumulated plenty of money, name and fame so obviously Saturn is not going to do much harm but may prove his last mahadasha as it is a maraka for Cancer lagna. The dasa will continue till 2052.
You can acheck all these Mahadasha and all birth chart related things in your personal kundali. Here is our free Janam Kundali tool which can be used.
Obviously when a great soul is born, planets take those patterns which facilitate the growth and progress for the native. Cancer lagna is a lagna which has given many politicians and to Sachin Tendulkar it came as a gift.
There is no point in writing about his achievements because the world knows it already but this horoscope indeed proves a point, do not be fooled by people who are asking you for money to mitigate the kaal sarp, sarp dosha etc.
He did went to one temple in south in 2006 for sarp dosha but that must have been family pressure and friend suggestions not astrologer`s suggestions I am sure. That was not a kaal sarp pooja anyway.
I wish him best wishes for his future endeavors.
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Respected Sir,
Please let me know That kaal sarp yog is present in Horoscope only or
Also in varshfal.