Sex Life & Astrology – What does Your Sign say about Sex Life

We all have travelled by train to some distant city at some point of our life. Many of us have travelled to metro cities also.

The most hilarious visions we get when the train enters into a city circumference are the advertisements of sex doctors claiming to make one HEMAN from noman.

All kinds of sexual problems are cured by them and most important is “Sexual inability”, which is called “erectile dysfunction” in medical terms. We all know the drug Viagra its effects and how people from 20 to 70 reacted towards it when it was first introduced in US.

Sex Life Astrology

But there is reluctance in general in the society by males to accept that they are not adept in love making. Whatever is the reason, these quacks take full advantage of this fear or phobia and innocent people are cheated by them.

What does Your Sign say about Sex Life

The pharmacy stores are filled with so many oils, tablets, powders right in the front of the shop that anyone coming to buy simple tablet like crocin also becomes aware that this shopkeeper has the cure for his sexual drawbacks.

Medically, most of them are waste of money and nothing else. The manufacturers take advantage of the shame nothing else. This is a psychological blackmail and nothing else.

Janm Kundali

What Does Your Sign Say About Sex Life

Astrology is such a vast science that it covers not only humans but entire universe in it. I am not claiming that a stone can be as good as an erectile function enhancer drug but yes it does helps to a fair extent to wear Quality gemstones and improve the pleasure.

All the planets have particular gender which is:

1) Sun: Male

2) Moon: Female

3) Mars: Male

4) Mercury : Eunuch, but changes with conjunctions and aspects.

5) Jupiter: Male

6) Venus: Female

7) Saturn: Eunuch

In signs also every next sign is a female sign from Aries so when Aries is a male sign Taurus will be female and so on. Sex and sexual organs comes under the subject of 7th house and 8th house. When a male sign is occupied by a female planet or vice versa – their intrinsic qualities change.

Horoscope 2025

Depending upon the strength of the planet or the sign, the sexual power of a native changes. Ascendant also has a part to play as sex is very much psychological apart from physical. Moon is another planet to look at in a chart when judging for these things.

As per proper medical doctors, Impotency is mostly psychological and can be cured by proper counseling. Very less population actually is impotent as perceived.

Going to a Proper Medical sexologist in a reputed or a government hospital is a far better option than wasting money on these oils, powders, tablets or self proclaimed Sex doctors whose photos and numbers are seen on every public and train toilets, near railway or bus stations, c grade cinema halls etc which claim so much and deliver nothing.

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In astrology, there are some yogas in a horoscope which may render a native unable to perform on bed during their periods. Some such combinations are:

  1. If moon occupies 12th bhava, mercury is in 8th and rahu or Saturn are in the second bhava.
  2. Moon is severely afflicted by malefics and ketu or mercury is in eighth house.
  3. If moon is on rahu-ketu axis and eighth house is occupied by Saturn and Mercury both.

Though there are many such combinations but these were a few ones.

The native of this chart is not able to enjoy sex. See the ketu in eighth house and severe affliction to moon.

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Male sex organ and planetary effects on it

  • If the eighth house lord is Jupiter then the native will have normal sized sex organs and functions.
  • If the same house is ruled by Saturn then the sex organ will be longer but will have abnormal functionality.
  • If the same house is ruled by venues then the native has good sex organ and enjoys acts of sex fully.
  • If the lord is Mars then the length will be small but desire will way too high, the person will be very sensitive.
  • The native suffers from inferiority when the ruler ship is with mercury.
  • The person will have good functionality and strength when the ruler is sun.
  • Moon being the ruler, the native will behave as per his moods but will have normal organs.

Further modifications are there when a planet occupies 8th bhava. Mercury in eighth bhava makes one very disappointing in sexual acts when there is no beneficial aspect on it and mercury is not in own house.

Rahu in eighth bhava makes a person sex maniac and he may commit rape to quench his thirst for sexual pleasures. Ketu in the same house makes one hypersensitive towards sex.

Sexual inclination of a person depends upon the nature of 7th house and planets in it.

  1. Mars when aspects or occupies seventh house destroys the pleasure.
  2. Jupiter makes one a passionate lover.
  3. Saturn makes one very mean and can make one act like an animal on the bed.
  4. Rahu in the seventh house will make one behave shyly though the desire will be very high.
  5. Premature ejaculation is caused by ketu in seventh bhava.
  6. Venus makes the person a great partner to have sex with.
  7. Mercury too gives early exhaustion and premature ejaculation.
  8. Sun will make one very aggressive.
  9. Moon will make one take delight but only the aspect of moon is not of much use.

To know all these elements about your persona life, I recommend generating free Janam Kundali using our tool. We have made it with great precision and have put it up for free.

Various ongoing dashas, combinations, conjunctions and transits affect the sexual acts of all humans invariably from common man to trillionaire. If you feel that you are not able to perform properly, then the first things to consider is whether you and you partner are properly educated in sexual intercourse.

It is very common with newlywed couples that they feel strange doing it. If you are sure that you are passing through a phase of impotency then it is better to consult a Proper Medical doctor and a psychiatrist.

Want to improve your sex potency? click here.

After you have done this, you can take help of astrology also – A good astrologer can tell you few gemstones which will definitely help you in a better performance on bed. Doing ashwini mudra of yoga is also supposed to remove impotency to a great extent.

Progeny is directly connected with sex as it cannot happen without it. If you are having low counts then also some gems can help to some extent along with proper medical procedure. It will depend upon your horoscope and ongoing dasha etc which an able astrologer will analyze and prescribe the remedies for the same.

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Developing a positive mindset is most effective tool along with all these steps. So now if you feel that you need help on the issue you can consult an astrologer also.

By Acharya Raman

For Astrology consultation Call करें :  8285282851

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