Sushma Swaraj Kidney Transplantation Success or not: KP analysis

Union minister Mrs. Sushma Swaraj is going to face surgical treatment. I am interested to present before our readers about the outcome of this treatment. Random horary number is 149 and horoscope as follows:

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Weekly Horoscope

First we need to verify the Asc for life span and the 8th house for the outcome of the surgery.

Here Scorpio is the Asc with Saturn as its sub lord. Saturn is in Asc in the star of Mercury and sub of Sun. Mercury is in Asc again but Sun is in 12th house in the star of Jupiter. As Sri KSK said it is the bhava occupied by the planet but the star lord of the planet need consideration. Here Sun though in 12th house is in the star of Jupiter in 11th house. Therefore Saturn is connected with 5-11 houses at sub level which denotes life span and cure.

The sub lord of 8th house is Ketu. She is in 4th house in the star of Rahu and own sub. Rahu is representing Venus, Saturn and Sun. Venus is in 2nd house and lord of the 12th house, Saturn is in Asc and Sun is strong for 5-11 houses. Kethu also denotes Saturn in Asc. Therefore Kethu is indicating hospitalization, surgery and subsequent recovery. Surgery is due to the aspect of Mars over Rahu. Mars is in the star of Moon in 7th house (Kidneys) and the sign ruled by Venus!

Semi Precious Gemstones

I am writing this article during Taurus Asc and Moon in it. Saturn and Mercury are aspecting it along with Jupiter.

Hence my prediction is that operation will be successful. She will be active from March 2017.   It may take some more time to heal than the anticipation of the physicians. There is possibility of seeking advice from a foreign doctor in this issue.

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