Success is not a personal outcome but contribution of the nature of a human being. Success comes with hard work but importantly with the stars, planets and your destiny. Vedic astrology plays an significant role in determining the path. Success comes with spirituality. Let’s have a look on seven laws of attaining success and then maintaining it.
The Law of Giving
Gift flowers, things, care and affection. Keep circulating the give and take of wealth. Compliments, love and care for each other is the ultimate law of giving.
The Law of Pure Potentiality
The law believes in meditation. It asks you to listen yourself. It says meditate for 30 minutes twice a day, be peaceful and silent and flow with the flow. Silence will bring your intelligence in front. Avoid giving judgments.
The Law of Karma
Do what makes you happy and more importantly what makes others happy. It ensures happiness and success. Every action has a reaction which helps in generating the force of energy within ourselves.
The Law of Least Effort
Accept what it is. Any event, situation, mistake, people, relations, take them as they occur. Do not complaint. Be responsible for your situations and problems.
The Law of Intention and Desire
Make a list of your desires. Try to fulfill them and if it is not working out then trust that there is a reason behind everything. Acceptance will fulfill your half of desires.
The Law of Detachment
Wait for the solutions to emerge and come to you. Give yourself the freedom you deserve. Allow others too to live freely and act like who they are. Do not blame everything on uncertainty, it is important.
The Law of Dharma
Discover yourself, your talent. Think about serving to humanity. Mix them up and you will be blessed with ultimate bliss and success. Ask yourself questions.
Deepak Chopra wrote The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success a decade ago, a pocket sized book and a practical guide to the fulfill your dreams. The book supports these laws and asks to follow them to ensure success.
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