Theresa May: Horoscope analysis

Theresa may was born on 1st October 1956. She has moon in Leo in star of Ketu. She became prime minister of U.K. on 13th July 2016. The exact time of birth is not available but she is a childless person. She was married on 6th Sept 1980 when moon was in star of Saturn and Sun was in star of Venus. A close look at her face gives glimpses of a lioness which indicates that her ascendant may be Leo but I will go with Cancer. May be she has ascendant on the cusp. Basing her time of birth 2:00 giving the midpoint of cancer ascendant I will base my readings.

Check Hindu Panchang 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.

She is now going through the period of Rahu and Antara of Venus. She became PM in the Mahadasha of Rahu which is an agent of Saturn and Mars in her horoscope. Rahu is very good for her. The antara of Venus will go on till 11 Feb 2020 and we will see more news in international media covering her actions and opinions.

Weekly Horoscope

The world is facing a major problem and that is none other than Islamic terrorism. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Narendra Modi , Theresa May are the leaders towards whom the world is looking for a solution. Of course China is also disturbed by it but it harbors terrorists in open international forums and sooner or later China too is going to pay for it in huge amounts. The Americans chose Trump to eradicate this menace and a coalition force is required to eradicate outfits like BOKOHARAM, ISIS, Taliban etc.

Check Hindu पंचांग 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.

Theresa May is surely going to take some very hard decisions on this issue and in the time to come we will see forces of UK joining hands with other forces of the world to finish once and for all this menace on humanity. She is going to become very popular in the time to come and she may take decisions to facilitate women, Education, Finance and Banking of her nation in this period.  Mars in her chart is aspecting 5 planets in fiery and earthy signs from an airy sign. Mars is retrograde in her chart and it gives more strength to her decisive abilities. Surely she will make her country proud in time to come.

Monthly Horoscope

By Acharya Raman

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