The only thing that can give you Everything : 7 Chakra Mala


7 Chakra Mala is made up of seven stones in the centre and all other quartz stones. These stones are meant for the benefit to all 7 chakras in the body.

The purple stone is known as Crown Chakra. It is our spiritual centre. It increases unity.

The indigo stone is known as Third eye Chakra. It is our thinking centre. It gives wisdom, power and intellect.

The blue stone is known as Throat chakra. It is our expression chakra. It improves communication, creativity and will power

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The green stone is known as Heart chakra. It is our love centre. It gives love, hope and patience.

The yellow stone is known as solar plexus chakra. It is our power centre. It gives confidence and self esteem.

The orange stone is known as creativity centre. It gives happiness and career.

The red stone is known as Root chakra. It is our survival centre. It connects with family and control fear and insecurities.

The quartz crystals give peace and harmony and unites all 7 chakras.

Kundli Software

Before wearing 7 Chakra Mala, meditate while keeping the mala in your hand. Think of the qualities you want the stones to integrate and wear it.

Buy now.

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