Dear readers, now only four transits of Venus are left which are going to happen when Venus will move to Scorpio on 13th October then to Sagittarius on 7th November, then to Capricorn on 2nd December and to Aquarius on 29th December. The effects will be good for some, bad for some and neutral for some.
- Aries: Venus rules your houses 2 and 7. It will be moving in the houses 8, 9, 10, 11 which are very good for you. The only time when you should remain cautious is when it is in Scorpio because it is the 8th house of your Lagna. There could be some married life issues and financial losses in this time and you may repay some of your debts. But not much is there to worry about.
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- Taurus: The lagna lord will be in 7, 8, 9, 10 houses and when it will be in Sagittarius that time will be harmful to your health and wealth both. Your sexual urges may get out of control and you may have some sex disease. But financially this will be a good transit and you will make some new friends too in time.
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- Gemini: The ruler of 5th and 12th house will be going in to 6, 7 , 8 ,9 houses and only the 9th house is desirable here and in the rest of the houses it will give problems only. Expenses will rise and marital discord may be there and loss of position is also likely if you are passing through the DBA of Venus.
- Cancer: The Labha lord will transit in 5,6,7,8 houses and here only the 5th house is the house which will give positive results. You should avoid any major undertakings or new friendships with opposite sex people when it is in your 8th house as it may result in some kind of fraud.
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- Leo: Venus will be in your houses 4,5,6,7 and it is the lord of 3 and 10 houses. If you are passing through the DBA of Venus then its journey in all the signs is going to be good as the lord of 10th house but as a lord of 3rd house there could be some inverse implications to people in media, arts, culture. Still this will not be a bad period for you.
Read Leo Daily Horoscope and Plan your day accordingly.
- Virgo: Venus rules two good houses 9 and 2nd and it will move into 3,4 5,6 bhavas so there is not much to worry as all these houses are good except 6th which may get you in some health trouble which will be of minor nature.
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- Libra: Here again it will go in 2, 3, 4 , 5 houses so not much to be worried for you, just keep a check on your health as Venus is also the lord of 8th bhava apart from lagna.
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- Scorpio: Venus will be in the houses 1, 2 3, 4 and being the lord of 12th house for your lagna it will dis- balance your bank balance by making you to spend on costly items. It is also your 7th house lord and that way your spouse will be the provocation for the expenses.
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- Sagittarius: For dhanu lagna it will go in 12, 1, 2, 3 houses and only in Scorpio it will be harmful and otherwise you can relax. There is not much to worry about.
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- Capricorn: It will be going in 11, 12, 1, 2 so be careful only when it is in Sagittarius which is your 12 house otherwise there is nothing to worry.
- Aquarius: 10,11,12,1 are the houses and when it will be in Capricorn then do not make any big decisions and do not purchase products online. You may get faulty or defected products. Reduce your indulgence in sexual acts.
- Pisces: 9, 10, 11, 12 are the houses in which Venus will be going and be careful only when it is in Aquarius which is your 12th Rest houses are incremental for a native so there is no need to get worried.