Trump-Hillary: who will be next US President

World is curious to know who will emerge as US president after the historical battle between Trump and Hillary. Whether the stunner Trump triumphs or Hillary will be empowered as Queen of US is the baffling question for the astrologers too! There is a mixed opinion everywhere which is increasing the suspense. The following is the horary map prepared for horary no.24 in favor of Hillary Clinton:


The sub-lord for 6th house is Jupiter. He is in 5th house in the star of Sun and sub of Kethu. Sun is in 5th house whereas Kethu is in 10th house with its stars unoccupied. As per “Golden Rule” in KP, this is favorable for Hillary as Jupiter is connected with 10th house at sub level!  Note that Jupiter is sub lord for 1-5-11-12 houses also.

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Here we need deeper analysis, no doubt Ketu is in 10th house but it is node. As per Guruji Sri KSK, if nodes are not conjoined with any planet we have to take their star lord for stronger representation, later it will be for aspecting planets and lastly for lord of the sign. Here Kethu is not conjoined with any planet and hence will represent Rahu (its star lord), Sun-Mars (aspecting planets) and Saturn (its sign lord). Therefore apart from 10th house, Kethu is also connected with 4-5-7-9-12 houses. These are not at all favorable for Hillary!

When 10th house results manifest and when those unfavorable house results manifests depends upon the period. This is my humble opinion about the behavior of cuspual sub lords.

 We have Mars-Saturn-Saturn period between 20-09-2016 and 22-11-2016 as per the horary chart. Mars and Saturn are in 7th house. Mars is in the star of Mercury and sub of Jupiter. Both these planets are in 5th house! Saturn is in own star and Jupiter sub division. Therefore he is strong for 5-7 houses. Hence DBA lords for the time of elections are strong significators for opponent that means “Trump”. Interestingly majority of planets are significators for 4-5 houses. Ruling planets are Saturn-Mars-Jupiter. All these three planets are also strong significators for 4-5 houses.

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The period when the president is inaugurated during January 2017 is that of Mars-Saturn-Kethu. As discussed earlier if both the rulers Mars and Saturn are represented by Kethu in the horoscope. Therefore Kethu will unleash the results of 4-5-9-12 houses promised by Saturn and Mars in the horoscope.

Prediction: Trump will win this election. Situations will turn against Hillary from the end of Sep-2016.

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