Twitching in body is a Sign of …

There are many secrets behind twitching in various body parts. It can be twitching, blinking, vibration or combustion (sphuran). These secrets lei in the book called Samudrik shastra written by Kartikay, the son of Lord Shiva. Every twitch has a different impact. Body twitching is very significant according to the shastras.

According to Matsya Puran, twitching parts of men, on the right side is auspicious while left side is inauspicious. The same is opposite for women. Let’s have a look on the following twitching of body parts and their effects on Men –

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Blinking of right eye gives success in wars and fulfillment of goals.

Combustion near your eyes arises a possibility of profits.

Twitching in nose alarms you about meeting relatives or friends.

Blinking of right eye lash and brow is a sign that your wishes will be fulfilled while blink of the lower portion of the right eye is a sign of inauspicious event.

Blink of left eye lash and brow is a possibility of fight with an enemy. The hatred can increase while blink of the lower portion of the left eye can emerge in to conflicts and insult.

Vibration in shoulders is a sign of your increasing expectations.

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Combustion in lower lip open the doors of you becoming parents.

Vibration in throat is a sign of luxurious gain.

Twitching in hands is a signal of wealth coming.

Vibration in head gives prosperity in land and property.

Twitching in back is a alert of failure in battle or projects.

Twitching in foot is a sign of respect, honor and high status.

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