Negative energies are not present in front of your eyes but exists. They majorly effect one’s life and create problems. There are various objects which create negativity if kept at home.
Where will you be standing after 10 years ?
Vastu shastra has solutions and rules to sort out this problem. According to Vastu, if you do not keep these things at home, you can protect yourself from negativity –
Never keep a picture of sinking ship. It is the signal of negativity coming. It is attractive but can make you sink too.
The one wonder out of all, that is Taj mahal is considered inauspicious because it is a grave of someone and keeping anything related to graves at home is negative.
According to Vastu, keeping an idol or picture of Lord Shiva’s Natraj form is unfortunate. It is said that the idol is the manifestation of unique art but also, Taandav which is a source of destruction. Therefore, do not keep Natraj idol at home.
Hanging any picture of wild animal creates negative vibes in the family. Coordination and balance in the relations changes to arguments and hatred.
28th August – A day to wash your sins : Aja Ekadashi
Flowing water make positivity out of the house. It takes away wealth, health and prosperity with it. Never keep any picture of flowing water in the house.
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