Virgo Horoscope/Rashifal 2017


Acharya Raman
Vedic & KP System Astrologer

The year will begin with Saturn in Scorpio till 26th January and on 26th it will enter into Sagittarius. It will get retrograde on 6th April and till 25th August it will be so. It will get direct on 25th August. It will enter Scorpio on 21st June and on 26th October it will move back into Sagittarius. Jupiter will be in Virgo till 12th September 2017. It will get retrograde on 6th February and will become direct on 9th June. Rahu will be transiting Leo till 18th August 2017 and on 18th it will enter Cancer. Ketu will be in Aquarius till 18th August and on 18th it will enter Capricorn. Venus will enter into Pisces on 27th January and it will remain therefore a long time till 31st may when it goes into Aries. After that it has a smooth motion forward. It will retrograde on 4th March till 15th April and will get combust from 30th April to 13th July. I will be telling you the major things you can expect this year and problems you may face along with the remedies which will make your life easier. Kindly note that changes of major planets have deeper effect on native than other planets thus they are considered firstly to judge the impact on your life broadly. For precise study on your natal horoscope please buy our annual horoscope service.

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You are reading Virgo Horoscope 2017 and know how will be your coming year

  • Family: Vigor Rashifal 2017 shows that, Jupiter`s benefic aspect will keep things steady to a good extent. You will have good relations with your near and far relatives. You will see the good part or other`s and will ignore the bad one. Your kids will be complying with your demands. Overall I can see a good year for year as far as personal life is concerned. Venus will negate the effects of Mars in your 7th house for a long time. Venus is going to stay there for a good amount of time and thus you can be rest assured of good cooperation from your spouse in every possible way. Just keep spending lavishly. You will although make some harsh talks and may use foul language suddenly and then regret later. Keep yourself on high alert this year as far as using language is concerned. You may spell something which will be very painful for the listener. Those Jupiter or Venus Mahadasha will have a better year than others. Those with Rahu-Ketu  or Saturn dasa will face mental and physical problems.

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  • Health: Those with rahu-ketu or Saturn dasa will face much issues related to health. You will have to take more precautions than usual. There are chances of problem of lungs, breathing, and thyroid this year. Constipation is something you are attacked with quite frequently and this year will also be the same. You may suffer from bad dreams and insomnia. Those with Jupiter dasa will have least risk of fatal diseases.

Read Virgo Rashifal 2017 and Plan your year accordingly

  • Finance: Virgo Horoscope 2017, Finances will be okay, I would say that you will have good condition if you are going through Moon or Venus dasa, for natives with Saturn or Rahu ketu, there could be major issues. You will have better time after 18th august if you are passing through Rahu period. It is advised that speculation should be undertaken only after 18th august for natives under Rahu period. In your horoscope, Venus, Saturn and Moon are major money related planets for you. Saturn is not going in houses related of gain of money. For natives with favorable dasa, there will be gains from multiple sources. This year it seems there will be some sudden gains for you.

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  • Career: Career wise this will be a good year. You will make progress if you are having dasa of Jupiter, Saturn or Rahu. Rahu`s good effects will come into play after 18th There will be rise in your stature and better Jobs are also there for you. There are chances that you will have to do long travel due to your work. Those into media, blogging, print, technology fields will get good openings this year. You will get the aspect of Saturn on your 10th house. Saturn will keep changing this year till October because of its retrogression, so avoid any new challenges when it is retrograde- if you are passing through the dasa of Saturn. Saturn rules your 5th and 6th house both. Thus it will prompt you to change job in its main period or its sub period in other planets main periods. Do not get swayed away and make the change only when you are sure of growth in the new organization.

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  • Business: Business people will face dullness in their sales. Those with dasa of Rahu will see a sudden rise after 18th august, Rahu will give good results in its sub periods in other planets main periods too. But those with Saturn period will not see much rise. You should be having a good time if you are going through the period of Jupiter. You will make some good offshore or far off contacts and your name will shine.

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  • Romance: Virgo Rashifal/Horoscope 2017, Romance activities will be going best for people going with Venus and Jupiter dasa periods. Those with Saturn periods will see sudden break in their affairs. You should be prepared for it as Saturn is transiting in the house 12th to the 5th house – the house for romance. Saturn also rules the other negative house which is the 6th Otherwise this will be a good time for natives with other planet periods. Those with ketu dasa will also face issues after 18th august and you may face deceit and lies in your relationship which will lead to end of it.

Read Virgo Rashifal 2017 and Plan your year accordingly

  • Sex life: Sex is something which will be good for you this year. You will enjoy this process quite a lot and you may make some immoral moves to enjoy the pleasure. Since Jupiter will be in your ascendant – it will prevent you from getting caught in the wrong act. Still I would recommend you to remain in the boundaries of morality.
  • Days of caution: Avoid the initial and after 20 days when Saturn and Jupiter get retrograde.

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  • Remedial Astrology: Reciting Vishnu sahastranaam will be a good remedy for you. Since Jupiter will be there as a protective agent this year you do not need much remedies till 12th September when it transits in your next sign.

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