I assign the horary number (seed) randomly selected which is 049 time 05:51:37 05 July 2016, Chandigarh, India
The beauty of horary lies in the fact that most of time, the natural significator of a particular event comes in the Dasa System. Dasa lord Jupiter and Bhukti Lord Venus represents ministers, honour, fame etc.
Ascendant: Gemini (Dual and airy sign), Ascendant lord is Mercury placed in ascendant (brain) in lagan chart and aspects 7th house of opposition.
Who will be the next RBI Governor. Read here.
Dasa is Jupiter
Jupiter (with aspects to 7th opposition, 9th luck and 11th fulfilment of desires) is representing house number 3,7 and 11. Jupiter is in nakshatra (star) lord Venus (with aspects to 7th house opposition) representing houses 1, 12 and in sublord Saturn (Cuspal Sublord of 11th house fulfilment of desires) representing houses 6, 8, 9, 10.
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Bhukti is Venus
Venus is representing house number 1 and 12. Venus is in nakshatra (star) lord Jupiter representing houses 3, 7, 11 and in sublord Venus representing houses 1, 12. (aspects of Venus and Jupiter explained above)
Antar is Venus
Venus is representing house number 1 and 12. Venus is in nakshatra (star) lord Jupiter representing houses 3, 7, 11 and in sublord Venus representing houses 1, 12. (aspects of Venus and Jupiter explained above)
2, 6, 7, 10, 11 are positive/ 6,8,12 are negative. 6 plays a dual role but its priority is 8, 12.
Jupiter is scattered 7, 10, 11 and 6, 8, 12 as well as strong 1, 12 at nakshatra (star) lord level means fairly good results of hard work in spite of lots of obstacles and self mistakes. Dasa is status.
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Venus as Bhukti is 7, 11 and 12 as well as 1, 12 means very good results but indication of self mistakes. Venus as Antar is 7, 11 and 12 as well as 1, 12 means very good results but indication of self mistakes. Bhukti is big gain. Antar is small gain. Therefore, very good indication of gain.
Cuspal sublord of 11 house (Gains and fulfilment of desires) is Saturn. Saturn is in the nakshatra(star) lord of Mercury who also represents intelligence and lagan lord also.Saturn is representing house number 6, 8, 9 and 10. Saturn is in nakshatra (star) lord Mercury representing houses 1, 5 and in sublord Mercury representing houses 1, 5. Saturn is showing a lot of efforts and hurdles but public support also.Dasa Bhukti Antar indicate very good results of self efforts besides of self mistakes. Promise by CSL in horary chart indicate the public support.
Prediction: As per horary number 049 the AAP will not be the clear winner in the Punjab Elections but will get a good number of seats.
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