Will BJP Get Majority in Uttar Pradesh elections 2017?

The biggest festival for media has started. Elections have been declared in 5 Indian states. The most important one is the battle of Uttar Pradesh and we will now see many opinion polls, fake reports and mass spamming on social media like facebook and twitter. Riots are also a possibility as this is a country where politicians can go to any stretch to gain power. Now we will also see many astrologers predicting the winner and I am also doing the same. The actual result rests with God till the day of counting and everyone will be speculating only by his methods. I took 218 for the question that “whether BJP will gain majority in UP Elections 2017” and below is the horoscope:

Daily Horoscope

6TH House is the prime house to see the result of any competition. Here the 6th csl is Moon and it is placed in the lagna itself. Moon is in star of Saturn which is in the 10th bhava. Thus moon is signifying 1,6,10 houses.

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The 12th cusp sublord is Mars. It is placed in 7th house. It is in the star of Rahu placed in 6th house which is 12th to 7th. Thus it is negating the winning propositions of the opponent.

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We will also have to see the 11th house csl to arrive at a decision. The 11th csl is Sun and it is placed in the 11th house itself. But Sun is in the Star of Venus which is in the 12th house.

Read Daily Horoscope to predict your day.

Weekly Horoscope

The 5th cusp sublord is Venus placed in 12th house. This is the 6th house of the opponent so the 11th house of the opponent is connected with 6th house. But this Venus is in star of Rahu which is placed in 12th house of the opponent i.e. the 6th house. This also negates the winning prospects of the competitors.

The ascendant csl is Venus placed in 12th house but it is in star of rahu placed in the 6th house. Thus Venus gets connected with 6th house. The seventh house has Venus as its csl and it is connected with the 12th house of the opponent.

Monthly Horoscope

After examining the 1,6,11 houses I feel that the ascendant is stronger than the 7th bhava. The starlord of the 9th csl of both the parties are connected with 6th bhava so there is an equilibrium.

Prediction: It seems to me that BJP will be able to gain majority in Uttar Pradesh but some manipulations may have to be undertaken otherwise they will not win.

Check Hindu पंचांग 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.

By Acharya Raman

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