Surinder Nath
Nadi Astrologer
When does one buys a four wheeler (Vehicle) for his personal use or for commercial use ?
The most common question is about acquisition of vehicle . It is distant dream of majority of persons specially in metropolitan cities. It is also correlated with the status of the family. Due to various factors native takes loan (through banks, financial institutions and others) to purchase vehicle.
Single house and planet does not give any result in nadi astrology. A group of houses and planets join together to fructify an event of life.
In Four Wheeler (Vehicle) purchase the houses involved are : 4th house being prime house of vehicles, 11th house being gain of vehicle and 12th house being expenditure thereon. 6th house signify loan from bank/ financial institutions and 8th house signify arrangements/loan from own sources like LIC,PF, relatives, friends, legacy etc.
3rd House in a horoscope is prime house of short travel & leaving the home for various reasons such as business, service, tourism etc. In case of vehicle purchase it is a facilitator house.
Planet involved is Venus : Venus is the signification planet in both sale & purchase of vehicles. Mercury and/or 7th house are (is) the signification of commercial vehicle.
Combinations & Timing of Purchase of Vehicle :
When an astrologer has to predict the purchase of vehicle he has to pin point in Dasha Bhukti Antar planets which signify 4,11,12 and/or 4,6,11,12 for bank loan and/or 4,8,11,12 for others loan. Care should be taken about the involvement of Venus in the DBA. Any of the DBA planet should be Venus or conjunct or aspected by Venus. For commercial vehicle DBA planets should signify 4,7,11,12, any of the DBA planet should also be Mercury or conjunct or aspected by mercury and/or signify 7th house. Transits of planets will exactly pin point purchase.
If 4,8,11 appears in the DBA with the combinations of marriage native gets car in dowry. When 3,4,5,8,10,11 appears in the DBA with any with any of the DBA lord as venus, native gets vehicle as gift or by winning in the lottery.
Luxury vehicles are purchased when in the natal horoscope venus is aspected by natural benefics Moon or Jupiter depending upon the general standard of the horoscope.
Vehicle purchased will be old if natural malefics Rahu, Ketu and Saturn predominate the DBA planets. On the other hand if natural benefics Sun, Moon ,Mercury,Jupiter and venus signify DBA it motivates the native to purchase new vehicle.
Check your horoscopes to verify the above said theory or contact Astrovidhi for consultation.
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DOB 17.10.1984