Will India attack Pakistan now?

My friend asked me an interesting question.  He posed that when will India attack Pakistan.  He mentioned number 149 for this question and the horoscope is as follows:

In KP Astrology, we do not have any hard and fast rule for war and attacks. Therefore we need to carefully analyze the horoscope to get a meaningful conclusion.

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The sub lord of 6th house will show whether opponent will lose anything or not. In this case it is Rahu, He is in 10th house in the star of Venus and sub division of Mars.  Venus is occupant of 11th house whereas Mars is occupant of ascendant in the star of Kethu.  Therefore Rahu is indicating both 4 and 11 houses very strongly.  Therefore one may say that India is going to gain land from Pakistan due to the signification of 4 and 11 houses.  Guruji Shri. KSK many times said that Venus is for peace.  If he is connected with 5 and 11 houses then there will be peaceful relationship between both the parties.  In this horoscope Venus is occupant of 11th house in its own sub.

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Jupiter is occupant of 11th house in the sub division of Venus.  Mars the chief significator for war fare is also in the sub division of Venus.  Majority of planets are connected with Venus through either star or sub division.  The sub lord of 2nd house which is 8th house counted from 7th is Venus.  It is very strong significator for 1 and 11 houses. Therefore there may not be much disturbance between these two countries.

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However the aspect of Mars over 8th house and placement of Saturn in ascendant in the star of Mercury may cause some disturbances at borders. India will be successful in controlling all the possible disturbances with tact. There is no impending danger for our country from Pakistan and also India may not wage any war against Pakistan in the coming years.

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