Will Verizon defeat Google and Face book?

my photoAcharya Raman
Vedic & KP System Astrologer

Recently I read news in the New York times about Verizon acquiring Yahoo for 4.8 billion dollars. The move is a step forward in defeating Google and Facebook as was reported. The question is : Can Google be defeated or for that matters Facebook?

Under the leadership of Marissa Mayer, Yahoo did tried many things but nothing worked out it seems and thus this sale.

Rashifal 2019

6th house is the prime house of competition and if 6th cusp sub lord connects with 6,10 or 11th house as a strong significator then the native or entity wins over the competition.

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I have taken number 76 at 11:28 am New Delhi. The 6th cusp sublord is Rahu. Rahu is conjoined with Jupiter and Mercury. Rahu is in star of Venus. No planet is aspecting Rahu. Rahu is in sign of Sun. Rahu is in second bhava.


Thus, Rahu is signifying 2,3,6,9,11,12 houses.

The 12th cusp sub lord is moon. It is significator of houses 1,2,10,12 which means 7,8,4,6 of the opponent.

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The current dasha is of sun till 7-9-2021 and sun signifies 2,4,7,8,12 houses. Thus Sun is not a beneficial planet for the ascendant. Next will be Moon dasha which will bring some advancements but result will be highly unsatisfactory. The next mahadasha will be of Mars which is highly beneficial for the opponent and will give a steep rise to the opponent. Thus the period between 7-9-2031 to 7-9-2038 will be showering money and success to the opponent.

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Prediction: As per the horary chart, Rahu dasa will start from 7-9-2038 and only after that Verizon may be able to defeat Google and Facebook because Rahu is very much favorable for the ascendant.

By Acharya Raman

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