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HomeHoroscopeCancer horoscope 2019

Cancer Horoscope 2019

Cancer Horoscope 2019

2019 will begin with Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Rahu will change to Gemini on 6th March 2019 and So ketu will change to Sagittarius, Jupiter will change to Sagittarius on 30th March, On 25th April it will transit to Scorpio and on 5th November it will come back to Sagittarius. It will retrograde on 10th April and become direct on 11th August. Saturn will retrograde on 30th April and will get direct on 18th September.


Family life more or less is going to be normal. You will be having normal happenings in your day to day life. There will be good understanding between your family members. On some occasions when Sun will be falling on Rahu or Ketu axis you will face clashes and there will be minor unrest in your mind. Apart from this there is not much to worry about as per the transit of the main planets. Most of it will depend upon the individual horoscopes but transits do have a say in life to a fair extent.


Married life is not going to be good at all and it will be getting worse after March. You will have to see a very bad phase in your married life. There will be much confusion, suspicions brewing up between you and your spouse. There is every likelihood that you may start doubting the character of your spouse which may become illicit but not mandatorily it has to happen. There is a possibility of miscarriage in this time. You may think of aborting your about to be born child. There will be strife with your in-laws and things will simply be out of your hands.

Check Janam Kundali


Insomnia, blood disorders, Periods imbalance, Indigestion, Poisoning are the main things which you will be see happening in your life in minor to major quantum. There is a possibility of skin disorders.


Career is going to get better as the time will move ahead. You will be having better chances and there will be overall progress. There are chances of getting a better job and a change of place is also likely due to your work. You will be performing well in your job and others will envy you. You will travel to far off places for your job and will make many friends and acquaintances at this time. Career front is best for you.


Those who are into business will not be seeing any greenery. You will be incurring heavy looses. You will be investing in foolish projects and later will be cursing the day. Fraud and cheating are likely to happen in your business so try to be more clever and alert than usual. You will not be having good relations with your partner and your partnerships may break this year. Your partner may go for legal proceedings against you.


After Jupiter coming to its own sign Sagittarius, things will be looking good for you as far as your bank balance is concerned. You will be making money and there will be some savings also. It is advised that do not lend money to anyone as the money you will give will not be coming back to you in any case. You may trust a wrong person and thus incur a loss.


Romance is an area which is largely going to be unaffected, there will be minor glitches as usual but nothing much is going to happen. You should keep your efforts on and do not lose hope as this year promises new relations and progress in ongoing ones but with a break.


Personal life and business are going to be affected worst. You should try to be very understanding and accommodating. Do yoga, dhyana, Pranayama etc.

Visit Lord Hanumanji temple and offer alms to the poor people on Saturdays and Tuesdays.

Recite Devi kawach from Maa Durga Saptshati of Geeta Press Gorakhpur twice daily.


By Acharya Raman


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