A combination of immense charm and grace, a cancer woman never know actually, whether she is a gentle moon maiden or a soft loony bird.
In the rainy season, she is usually found to be sunk in her sorrows, but as soon as the moon rise, she is usually be observed to be spreading her charm, as the greatness of her highness.
When the sun rise back again, she will always be found charmed with her greatness. Watching her moves carefully is like, watching those old silent movies.
Little mad, slightly sad and superbly imaginative, here is the cancer woman, who has this great ability to save the shekels.
Don’t you ever dare to look under his mattress, until unless you marry her and give her the designation of your life partner, but beware of the matter of fact that a cancer woman can go on a sudden shopping spree, when she is badly injured or is upset. She finds her way of soothing her pain by splurging and shopping her favorite goodies.
Your savings can be one of the favorite topics of a cancer woman and her sudden shopping spree can take a toll on her income.
Exploring more about her, you would definitely want to unleash her hidden talents on the night of the full moon. In her vast of the imaginations, her creativity can reach to another extreme. She can even write a poem or a book, as well.
She'll be shy and sweet when the Moon is waning but what you really want is a Moon that's full enough to arouse all her latent talents.
Cancer wife:
She hates to be criticized, she can’t be easily ridiculed and she hated rejection to the core of her heart. That’s how your cancer wife can be described. Seldom openly aggressive, a typical cancer woman usually hesitates in so many things.
She feels deeply wounded, even if somebody tries to ridicule her a bit. You better be alert with her, as she is immensely sensitive and delicate towards certain socializing traits, like a typical cancer ascendant.
The significant traits of a cancer female, has been her sudden fear or insecurity that you don’t love her.
She can be at the same time, be bit scared of her poor culinary skills.
The moment of truth is, if you happened to have won over the heart of a cancer woman, she will be bit tenacious in the beginning, but finally she would love to be by your side and will never want to leave you, in worst of her night mares.
Famous Cancer women are:
Hellen Keller
Jean Cocteau
Barbara Stanwyck