Capricorn natives are born leaders and achievers. They work till they drop. They set their goals and work hard to achieve them.
They achieve success in the long term and retain it too. They are excellent in managing time and money. They are creative and innovative which is the key ingredient in business.
They are good in predictions and their intuitions work well. They succeed in investments and rewarded in long term.
They have a keen desire for reputation and fame. They struggle for name and accept failures with a smile. They work for themselves and for their success. They don’t lose hope till the end.
They grab opportunities and work on them. They are practical and loyal. They take risks but with proper examination and care.
Business options which suits best are : agriculture, manufacturer, engineer, dealer in construction, departmental store or crystal grazing.
The natives must not over exert and tire himself. He must be patient and calm to wait for the rewards.
Capricorn natives respect seniors and want the same from his juniors. They usually have high standards and wish to meet them with the help of his team.
They can be difficult at times. Their habit of perfect management and hard-work leads to employess working hard without a friendly atmosphere.