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HomeHoroscopeCapricorn horoscope 2019

Capricorn Horoscope 2019

Capricorn Horoscope 2019

2019 will begin with Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Rahu will change to Gemini on 6th March 2019 and So ketu will change to Sagittarius, Jupiter will change to Sagittarius on 30th March, On 25th April it will transit to Scorpio and on 5th November it will come back to Sagittarius. It will retrograde on 10th April and become direct on 11th August. Saturn will retrograde on 30th April and will get direct on 18th September.


Family life is not going to be satisfactory. You will not enjoy things which are going to happen at home, there will be unwanted stress, and day to day chores will take away your energy. You will try to make things easy but they will not become so. There are chances of quarrels, hot talks, and grave misunderstandings in the family members. You will be frustrated at times. Efforts will not be of much help. After March things will take an ugly turn and you will be fed up with your day to day life.


Check Janam Kundali

Married life is going to be good mostly, and after March it will improve. There will be not much to worry about but there will be minor problems which are common in every person`s life. You will have required support from your spouse. There will be goodness mostly. You will be able to sort out misunderstandings yourself.


Stomach and joint pains are the only things which will be disturbing you and apart from it there is not much to look as far as regular health is concerned.


Career-wise this is not going to be a good period. After March things will be getting more on the negative side. You will be trying hard but reaching nowhere. Your condition will be like you will want to change your job but will find it hard to get one. From March things will not be so helpful in your career. Your efforts will be unyielding. Your name and fame will degrade. Your seniors will start disliking you.


Business activities too will be affected due to the unfavorable transit. You will be suffering losses and delays in your day to day business or in projects. Government officials will not be of help even after offering under the table goodies. You will be thinking to expand your business and do joint ventures but all such efforts will fail. Wait watch and strike should be the mantra for 2019.


Finances will be saddening. You will have more expenses and less of gains this year. It will be wise not to break the fixed deposits etc and not encash your policies. They will be of immense help in the time to come. You will be having many crisis situations this year so do not panic.


Romance will be untouched mainly. You will have normal romances in 2019. You will be having your attention diverted to other places. In any case, do not try to act smart otherwise you will only suffer.


Visiting Hanuman Ji temple daily will bring peace and harmony to your life, there is no need to do anything else.



By Acharya Raman


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