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HomeEffect of transits of planets in houses

Effect of transits of planets in houses

Effect of transit of Saturn in houses
Effects of Transit of Saturn in first house First house represents the personality of an individual. The transit of Saturn in the first house of the chart highlights all the areas associated with the individual identity. This is the best time to start various health-relate...   read more
Effect of transit of Sun in houses
Effects of Transit of Sun in first house The transit of Sun in the first house makes the native boring and dull. They suffer from severe headaches.The person should avoid travelling. Journeys should be postponed. Expenses will increase considerably. During this transit, y...   read more
Effect of transit of Mars in houses
मंगल का लग्न से गोचर का फल मंगल जब आपके लग्न से गोचर करता है तो आपमें आत्मबल की अधिकता देता है । आपमें ऊर्जा और क्षमता अधिक होती है जिससे आप अपने विचारों को कार्यान्वित करने में सफल हो सकते हैं । आपमें क्रोध की अधिकता हो जाती है और अहंकार वश आपका झगड़ा होना भी संभव होता है...   read more
Effect of transit of Jupiter in houses
Effects of Transit of Jupiter in first house Jupiter is a symbol of knowledge, wealth and prosperity. The transit of Jupiter in the first house makes the native healthy, wealthy and wise. There is a marked increase in the financial position of the native. There are chances...   read more
Effect of transit of Venus in houses
बुध का लग्न में गोचर फल बुध के लग्न में आने पर आपकी बुद्धि में तीक्ष्णता बढ़ती है , त्वरित निर्णय लेने की  इज़ाफ़ा  होता है । अपने मित्रों , रिश्तेदारों , पड़ोसियों से  सम्न्बंध बेहतर होते हैं । बातें करने में आपको अधिक आनंद आता है और लोगों को भी आपसे बात करके मज़ा आता है । अपने ...   read more
Effect of transit of Mercury in houses
Effects of Transit of Mercury in first house The transit of Mercury in the first house is considered inauspicious for the native and give bad results. The native indulges in sinful acts. You will not get due support from your friends. There will be financial losses. The na...   read more Protection Status