2019 will begin with Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Rahu will change to Gemini on 6th March 2019 and So ketu will change to Sagittarius, Jupiter will change to Sagittarius on 30th March, On 25th April it will transit to Scorpio and on 5th November it will come back to Sagittarius. It will retrograde on 10th April and become direct on 11th August. Saturn will retrograde on 30th April and will get direct on 18th September.
Till March there will be one or other problem coming and then there will be somewhat tranquility in your personal life. You will be having mixed emotions and relations in the family tenants will be flickering. You will be having a better understanding after March. There will be good rapport with the family and you will be helped for sure.
Saturn will be in the star of Venus in your 7th house this is the good thing for you. It is not going to hamper your married life. You will be having very good relations with your spouse. Please keep in mind that you may enjoy twin benefits this year, one at home and one elsewhere. There is not much to worry about as far as your married life is concerned except for people with ketu dasa as it is afflicting your 7th house and it a master deceptor.
Major issues experienced by you are lack of potency, Food intake related issues, sexual disorders. Your overall health will keep fluctuating.
People except for the dasa of rahu, ketu or Venus will do well in their respective jobs. There will be an opportunity for a better job. You may get promoted. You will have higher goals and you will put all your efforts to achieve them. There will be a lot of competition between you and your fellow employees but you will move ahead of them all.
Business is going to be good mostly. You will be making good profits. There will be not much to worry. You will be having partnerships and may expand your business to new cities. You will be leaving behind your competitors. Be careful march onwards because things will slowly change in favor of your opponents.
March onwards you will be able to save, there will be a slight increase in your bank balance. You will be making long-term investments. But when you do so, consult a good advisor. You will be having good returns only after years and not in months. Investing in ULIP`s will be a good idea.
After 30th March you will have good times in your love matters. You will suffer a bit when Jupiter will retrograde but that won`t impact much. You will have good things happening in your love life this year.
You do not require many remedies but if passing through the period of Saturn or Rahu- Ketu then worships Lord Hanumanji daily. Offer chola to Hanumanji every Tuesday. Keep a white triangular handkerchief always with you.