Gemini does not want to take sex seriously. He wants it to be fun and tickling. They do not need love to experience sex. They like it as playing. They don’t connect with partners emotionally.
Gemini love to flirt and seek attention from the opposite sex. But one should keep in mind that they may be looking for this only.
They are great at conversations. You need to remark cleverly except being a good listener. You will interest them by retaining that.
They want love and a loving mate but to enjoy the sexual experience, they don’t need to be faithful. They can seduce well and the air around them will bring sensuality automatically.
Gemini are usually talkative but love unspoken actions. They thrill others and like to thrilled too. They can spend the entire day with jokes with a willing partner. It does not need to be sex all the time.
Do not expect a life time commitment after indulging with Gemini in sexual acts. They fickle and change frequently. They cannot resist tempting people.
Gemini men will never dull your life. He accept changes very well and want a variety outside too. You have to stand with him or you can lose him. Talk erotically with them, they love it.
Gemini women are more interested in IQ then sex. They will never be satisfied sexually if intellectually bored. Even men can opt divorce easily. They are less faithful in context with long-term relations. They need plenty of space.
Gemini are very quick in changes. They love new sensations. They might end up doing ten things at a time. They bring the same energy in their relationships. They feel alive in varied experiences.