The presence of Jupiter in your sign till August brings you positivity, optimism and luck. Thanks to Jupiter, your road to success will be easier and free of obstacles.
You need to plan how you deal with friends, family and acquaintances and prioritize your relationships. Focus on the ones that promise returns as this will help you maintain a balance and harmony in life.
Leos, brace yourselves to answer all sorts of inquisitive questions from your friends or loved ones as you are more open to communication in the first month of 2016. Questions about your past may haunt you and some Leos may meet their ex-lover once again as well.
This is the right year to form intimate relationships and bring romance into your life. The single Leos may find themselves falling in love and will be in it for long term. Do not let your head overrule your heart- follow what your heart desires. But at the same time, keep in mind not to rush into things, take your time to know the person and then take the next big step.
Those who are married will have a smooth ride. Their partner will match their energy and they will live in harmony, however stress or tension at the work front may create some disturbances. Your expectations in such a scenario will rise too much and when they are dashed to the ground- you may feel disappointed. But do not over react or start looking for love outside your marriage. Think first and act later!
Learn to enjoy the change that this year will bring. Don’t be possessive if you’re committed, and if not, look for love at unconventional places like workshops, seminars, meetings or through friends. Though this may not be your kind of way, it definitely is a good way to meet new people. Step out of your shell and explore your options!