2019 will begin with Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Rahu will change to Gemini on 6th March 2019 and So ketu will change to Sagittarius, Jupiter will change to Sagittarius on 30th March, On 25th April it will transit to Scorpio and on 5th November it will come back to Sagittarius. It will retrograde on 10th April and become direct on 11th August. Saturn will retrograde on 30th April and will get direct on 18th September.
Family life is going to be good. You will have events, occasions in your family which will become memorable. There will be visits from many relatives and there will be many outings with family members. You will be having visitors in plenty coming to your place this year. Marriage or childbirths etc are also likely this year.
After March there are chances of a good married life getting worse. You will not be able to enjoy the company of your spouse. There will be quarrels off and on but not of serious nature. You will be doing a lot of outings due to work and thus you will not interact much with your spouse which will be a good thing indirectly.
Health is also not looking very bad this year. You will have normal back aches, pain in the legs and usual and problems in lungs and chest.
After March, some of you will see the goodness in your career but many will not enjoy it. There will be last minute disappointments. You will not be able to complete things in time. Your work performance will suffer a lot. You will be termed as a delayer or late doer. You will not understand what is going around but things will be getting deteriorated gradually. People with Ketu dasa will enjoy the time but not others. You will be having scuffles with your co-workers irrespective of the dasa you are passing through.
If your partner do not possess death wish then things will be good for you. You will have good understanding and things will have good turnout in the end. There is a possibility of new ventures in this year. After March things will boost up rapidly and you will have very good progress. You will be creating record of sorts in sales and marketing for your products or services.
Finances look very good this year. There will be no dearth of money to you. Things will be manageable and you will get assistance or help from your relatives and friends. The money will get accumulated in your account for sure this year. Financially this is going to be a good year for you.
Romance too look strong this year. There will no problem of any kind in your love matters and if you are still single then you will be able to make a new beginning. There will be happiness in your life due to this relationship. You may have a relationship with a native of other religion or lower cast than yours.
Not many things are to be done. You should keep a positive approach and have a balanced mind which you never have. Only give others the impression that you have a balanced mind.