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HomeLove compatibility aries leo

Aries Leo Love Compatibility

Fire- Cardinal -  Positive Fire- Fixed - Positive
Ruled by Mars Ruled by Sun
Symbol: Ram Symbol : Shy Pussy Cat or Lion
Day Forces: Masculine Day Forces: Masculine

Leo, the lion or the shy pussy cat, undoubtedly is more furious and aggressive, in the company of whom; the Aries turns out to be a tender lamb. Many great astrologers and scientists have given a fair amount of time & thought to this specific event of, what happens, when the lamb meets the lion.  As is specified in bible, either there will be a vast destruction or will either lead to 1000 years of peace and silence. The peace would be in terms of the fact, that the lion will eat the lamb, hence leaving the rest of the world in the state of awe & thus the Gotterdammerung in terms of the fact when both the aggressive lion & the lamb meet, there would a blast because of the meet of the two energies.

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How this Relationship would be?

When the Ram (Aries) & Leo (Lion or Shy Pussy Cat) meets, it’s more of like the clash of the two most dynamic & aggressive people.

Aries Man & Leo Woman: The attitude of a winner appeals to an Aries person closely, on the other hand, the Lioness or the sweet pussy cat, can be really aggressive like fire at times.

Aries Woman & Leo Man:   The Aries wife or the partner will certainly be more leading and dominating than the calm and neutral crab.

What will be the Loop Holes?   

Aries Man & Leo Woman: The dominating Aries man can sometimes turn out to be a bit trouble for certain crabby women.

Aries Woman & Leo Man: The dominating wife can be a trouble for certain crabs. The thin line difference between the aggression and the ego can be very well be understood, when it comes to the relationship between Aries & Ram.

What to do to make things sail smoothly?  

Without giving any fairy tales here, it would be the right thing to say about the two, it is the ego of the Aries (Ram) which should bend in front of the majesty of the Leo. Only and only then there lies certain scope of the harmony between the two.

Aries Man & Leo Woman:   Lioness or the Leo woman will feel more comfortable, if the furious Ram comes out of his shell of the attitude of winning always and keep aside his entire ego. The woman being the Leo or the aggressive lioness, need to moderated or stimulate her aggressive bent of nature, much in harmony with the Ram.

Aries Woman & Leo Man:  The Aries wife would always win OR if not, then would stay always in the league of being ahead and will be a natural winner. She would be well expected to keep her winner’s attitude, much in harmony with the Leo husband.

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