2019 will begin with Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Rahu will change to Gemini on 6th March 2019 and So ketu will change to Sagittarius, Jupiter will change to Sagittarius on 30th March, On 25th April it will transit to Scorpio and on 5th November it will come back to Sagittarius. It will retrograde on 10th April and become direct on 11th August. Saturn will retrograde on 30th April and will get direct on 18th September.
Family life is going to be good largely. You may shift your residence this year if on rented accommodation. Your tenant may change if you have rented your home. You will be having usual happenings in your day to day life. Nothing significant is there to be seen.
Married life will be happy too. After March things will get better. You will be doing things with your spouse and you both will enjoy the time together. There will be some minor disputes but there is not much to worry as such. You will be going places with your spouse and there will be a lot of fun and frolic.
BHealth issues will not be giving you troubles. You will be having sound health most of the time but in between March to May you should be careful with your health. There are chances of some serious cardiac or respiratory problem cropping up.
Career-wise things will be simply great for you. After March things will get better further. You will be having a very good progressive career. Lord of the tenth house will enter the tenth house and will make life a pleasant experience for you. The whole year when Jupiter will be in Sagittarius will be a good time for your career.
As far as business is concerned, there will be mixed results coming to you. You will be having many plans and not all of them are going to turn out as you would think. Those whom you thought that will not happen will most likely happen. Easy looking simple things will get delayed. There will be some shortage in finances and you may have to take loan from someone in the family.
After March your condition related to money will start getting better and better. You will make money through business etc. Finance and property are the two openings where you can make lots of money. Try the one which suits you the most but do not get over excited and burn all your savings in the excitement.
Romance etc are not going to be affected much in this year. You will be having good things happening in this front also. You may start a new relationship if you are already single. There will be minor problems until March but after that, there is no problem.
Remedies are not required but if you keep a holistic lifestyle and positive approach towards things and people then you will have a very wonderful year.