They are very romantic. They are gentle and caring too. They love their partner blindly and unconditionally if they are committed to it. They make passionate lovers and need connection in the relationship.
They love to laugh loudly and comfortably. They need to connect emotionally with you and he will be yours.
Being physical with Pisces will be a energetic journey to emotional and erotic experience. They will give it a spiritual touch too. They like to take initiatives in the experience. They never allow bore feelings to come up.
In order to date a Pisces woman, you need to be protective towards her and a leader too. You should take initiatives in each and everything especially when together. They are feminine and extremely charming. Never ever try to fool her because she may avoid you completely. Be straight and clear to her.
On the other hand, dating Pisces man will purely sensitive and full of romance. He will be completely yours, once he builds his trust in you. You need to make him grounded as he lives in his fantasy and dream world. He will use his imagination to impress you.
Pisces natives are sensitive and take time to open up. If they are hurt or wounded their heart in a relationship, they will take time to build their trust.