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HomeHoroscopeSagittarius boss horoscope

Sagittarius Boss Horoscope

The very first day with your Sagittarius boss will make you confused and give you the jitters, to take the right decision as his mere presence will surely make you nervous.  It’s really tough to say whether your boss is a sinner or the saint, who is just there for you, and think all the time, how can you show some of the improvements.

Usually many employees don’t find themselves in a clear cut terms with the Sagittarius boss, as the behavior of the Sagittarius boss is usually troublesome that the other person usually ends up in a mere confusing state.

At one point of time, you would think that he is going to promote you and at the very other second, you would find an equally opposite behavior of your boss.

Often a blend of the shy and a gentle human, your Sagittarius boss many times demands that you listen to him.

He always considers himself to be the righteous one, who very rarely finds your points to be right in comparison to the others. But one thing, which you cannot avoid, is that he always wanted to be heard and understood by his co-employees.

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Seldom grumpy, at times your Sagittarius boss just cannot stand at all, if somebody tries to put down his emotions and try to hold his feelings

A good morale booster, he knows how and when to utter a compliment to his employees and such is a personality of that little crusader Sagittarius boss.

Happy-go-lucky, optimistic, cheerful fellow, who is really very understanding and has a fair sense of mind-set, when it comes to the vacations and the other kinds of the sick leaves which are required by his employees.

It is a plus point for you, if you happen to be having a Sagittarius boss.

He fights hard for what he believes is right, and it gives you a warm feeling to work for a man like that. It’s undoubtedly a sort of exciting to be around someone who defends lost causes.

He is a man of principles who stay true to himself and as well as when it comes to the code.

Without a single doubt, it’s a fact about a Sagittarian boss that he always aims to keep his employees a little high, boosted with the positive energy.

It sometimes gets confusing for his co-workers to decide whether he is a sinner or a saint. The majority usually goes in the favor of the former one.

He’s basically kind-hearted, but he’s also determined enough to take steps occasionally. His memory sometimes fails in social situations, but seldom on facts. The archer can roll off the figures of his competitor’s basic business and forget the name of his own bookkeeper, who’s been with him for several years.

Although he strides with an unrestricted, active stride, now and then with typical Sagittarian sloppiness, he may step into the wastebasket or slog out his ciggy in the paper clips. But though his feet may stagger over the telephone cord, his mind rarely staggers. His ideas are frequently disliked, and aimed way over most people’s square heads, but nine out of ten of them pay off.

Horoscope : Daily | Weekly | Monthly | Yearly | Love | Relation

Sagittarius Love Compatibility

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Sagittarius Characteristics

Gemstone | Nature | Health | Sexual Orientation | Love Compatibility | Business | Men | Women | Child | Boss | Employee
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