Sagittarius natives are independent and love freedom. They don’t allow anyone to control them and restrict them. They are loyal and kind hearted. They have a positive and optimistic approach towards life.
They are philosophical and spiritual. They are full of excitement and motivation. They are excellent at conversations and witty enough to entertain others.
Best options which suits them are : comedians, orators, writers, teachers.
They can do anything and succeed unless they are bound. They need to be free and independent. They choose those offers only which supply them liberty.
They love experimenting and bringing change. They accept changes and move on with a smile. They perform great in business. They complete the work taken in hand. They believe in newness. They don’t work when get bored.
They don’t like conditions and routine. They like being cool and free but it is considered that they work better under stress and pressure.
They are not at all emotional. They don’t feel connected and attached to someone. This trait helps them grow in business. They can even take up a travel business without thinking about family and friends but with a promise to keep in touch.
They like investing to gain more and more wealth. They can handle their money and finances amazingly. Their search for new opportunities never end.