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HomeHoroscopeSagittarius horoscope 2019

Sagittarius Horoscope 2019

Sagittarius Horoscope 2019

2019 will begin with Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Rahu will change to Gemini on 6th March 2019 and So ketu will change to Sagittarius, Jupiter will change to Sagittarius on 30th March, On 25th April it will transit to Scorpio and on 5th November it will come back to Sagittarius. It will retrograde on 10th April and become direct on 11th August. Saturn will retrograde on 30th April and will get direct on 18th September.


This is not going to be an easy year for you. You will be facing issues on all fronts and the intensity will depend mainly on your natal horoscopes. You will be trying your best but one or other thing will complicate small issues and things will become rubber band. You will try to pacify matters but the reverse will happen. Keep calm and let time do what it wants. 


Married life is not going to be as bad but yes, things will not be so good. After all it is family only. You will have to adjust at many fronts and your compromises will contribute for the happiness and peace this year. You will be getting unsuccessful in many of your professional endeavors and that may trigger discomfort and clashes gradually.

Check Janam Kundali


Try to indulge in many sporting or creative activities which will prevent you from suffering from depression and negative thoughts.


Career will be good. Many of the things you will try to do will get accomplished but after a very painful delay. You will be doing great if you are into print, electronic media etc or are into performing arts. Those into banking, finance etc will also be getting benefitted. Not all of you will excel, only few with Saturn DBA and those with Jupiter, Rahu. Ketu dasas will not get all the fruits.


Business will be dwindling. The presence of malefic will ensure that you do not get what you deserve and others will get more than you. You will be trying to get bigger and in the effort you will make mistakes and will fall back. You have to understand that Rome was not built in a day. Small pieces of effort will yield the result after a year or two so have patience.


You will be responsible yourself about the losses and bad decisions. Your ego and anxiety will make you do wrong things and will destroy your own money this year. There will be gains but will you be able to sustain them? This is a million dollar question you should be asking yourself every morning when you wake up. Do not refuse to financial offers yourself and then blame your bad luck later.


This will an untouched by planets area. So whatever was going on will be going ahead. You can try to make new additions and planets are not going to interfere much in it.


Recite Aditya Hriday Stotra and Kanak dhaara Stotra daily two times. This is the only thing you need to do this year.



By Acharya Raman


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