2016 will be the year of romance for the Sagittarians. Friendships and relationships will blossom and romance will be in the air.
Single Sagittarians will experience strong attraction towards the opposite sex. But you are advised to not rush into things. Do not seek love through blind dates or the internet. You need emotional support and a dependable partner this year. You will be spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a partner, but think of whether it will last or not. If you don’t see any potential, do not invest time and energy in it. Also remember to return all that you receive from your partner. A relationship involves give and take, and it is only then that it blossoms further.
Those already in a serious relationship will wish to tie the knot owing to the strong influence of Jupiter. The best time is after Jupiter turns direct. Avoid the period of Mars retrogression
Also avoid casual flirtation and affairs as it is not the best time to take risks in the matters of heart. Focus more on relationships that are meaningful. There will be a strong urge to test long term relationships, but do not fear, they will stand the test of time and instill an even deeper faith in relationships. February will bring with itself happiness and enjoyment in current relationships, and you will benefit emotionally from this pleasant stage in life.
Those Sagittarians who are married will experience conjugal bliss. But the two periods of Mars retrogression are crucial. They will have to spare time for their spouse else the relationship may take a turn for the worse. Being burdened with work is not an excuse as it’s all about how well you prioritize things. After all, peace and harmony in married life affects all spheres of life and spreads positivity.
A lot depends on your ability to cherish and cultivate relationships. Do not let the futile relationships hamper the growth of serious ones!