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HomeHoroscopeScorpio horoscope 2019

Scorpio Horoscope 2019

Scorpio Horoscope 2019

2019 will begin with Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Scorpio, Rahu will change to Gemini on 6th March 2019 and So ketu will change to Sagittarius, Jupiter will change to Sagittarius on 30th March, On 25th April it will transit to Scorpio and on 5th November it will come back to Sagittarius. It will retrograde on 10th April and become direct on 11th August. Saturn will retrograde on 30th April and will get direct on 18th September.


All is well that ends well and also which continues to be well!!! This is what Jupiter is telling you by occupying the ascendant. You will be having a good family life. There will be many happy remembrances. You will have visits from your relatives and there will be a lot of fun and frolic. You will have a very good rapport with your younger siblings. 


Married life is going to be very fine. You will have support from not only your spouse but also from her family. There is a possibility of begetting a male child if the spouse is pregnant. You will have good things happening in your personal life. You will spend a good time with your spouse and everything will be usually positive. There will be minor differences but that are everywhere. 

Check Janam Kundali


Weight is something you should be careful about. You must avoid fatty foods and junk at all cost. There is not much to worry otherwise.


If your dasa lord is rahu or ketu or in the star of these planets then you will have the worst effect on your career, Otherwise things will be going well for all others. There is a chance of promotion, offshore assignment, new job, salary hike for others.


Business will be going well; you will be having many new channels to surf through. There will be new friends and new ventures coming in your mind. People will be supportive. You will be having nightmares if passing through the dasa of Rahu or Ketu otherwise the year is okay for you.


Money is another thing which is going to be very good this year. You will be seeing more of cash coming in if you are into business and you will be able to manage things easily because of it. Bank balance will increase but you must invest in secured bonds or some instrument like this so that you do not drain your income yourself.


Love matters will be very heartening for you. You will be enjoying life a lot this year as far as love is concerned. Love affairs will be culminating to marriage. There will be new relations coming up and there will be love all around. God will bless you with real love and not fake one but still be careful after March.


There are not much of remedial measures need to be done. As Jupiter will take care of most of the things all you should do is appease Jupiter by donating yellow clothes once a month to a priest of donate drinking water tanks in temples or government schools or in courts of  law.


By Acharya Raman


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