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HomeHoroscopeScorpio women horoscope

Scorpio Women Horoscope

A beautiful soul who has a magnetic personality and has the looks, which one can die for easily, we have the scorpion woman, who is a kind of a woman, who always regret to have born as a girl, and have been one of those specific kinds of the living souls, who are the perfect blend of the main traits of being magnetic, proud & are undoubtedly over whelming confident.

While a glorious epitome of the womanhood, a typical scorpion woman, usually control all her desires to dominate and stay quiet and calm with an immense grace.  Fabulously skilled in making the right use of the opportunities, a scorpion woman really knows how to make the best of any of the opportunities given to her.

Masculine Aries, Leo and a Sagittarius woman is far behind than a scorpion woman, who just masters the skill of making the apt use of all her life’s opportunities.

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A Deep Disrespectful perception & a disapproval for the women of their same sex, who just could not, justify their key roles of being a mother, sweet heart and a daughter.

Any other girl can go all bewilder and excited, seeing a handsome man and can go all the way jumping here and there. A scorpion girl, however take all the moves, slowly, elegantly and in a command of poise, gracefully prefer to approach a guy, in her way.

If thinking to flirt with a Scorpio woman, don’t even give it a thought! A scorpion woman is a human x-ray machine, who will scan you, from your head to the toe.

Had it been any other girl, she could have got impressed like a cake walk, but when it comes to a scorpion girl, forget it, that she will be all drooling over on you.

A diva, who will love you intense like a fire and at the same time, she will hate you like that strong venom. They either love like hell or hate like a goblet of a fire! If there can be any kind of people, who just want to wear black and white, then that would be the ones who are Scorpio, they have sharp and clear understanding of their preferences.

An intense personality, she either preach immensely or she will be at times, a real tough rigid mind, really tough to be tackled with.

Horoscope : Daily | Weekly | Monthly | Yearly | Love | Relation

Scorpio Love Compatibility

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Scorpio Characteristics

Gemstone | Nature | Health | Sexual Orientation | Love Compatibility | Business | Men | Women | Child | Boss | Employee
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